Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ah, those fervent Liberals living in haunts in Massachusetts and in Berkeley


Mr roT said...

Liberalism is alive and well. 43% believe that Sarah Palin did Giffords in with her bare hands and Obama's approval ratings are soaring.

Az is exactly what the Dems were waiting for, as I predicted.

Mr roT said...


Pay up, Tecs! You didn't correct me fast enough!

Arelcao Akleos said...

You predicted????

You predicted that the Dems would be eager for a Tim McVeigh event? Then how could you predict that when they were saying it loud and clear in public? That is called reporting, or describing, not predicting, muchacho.

Or are you saying you predicted the Dems would take an Ayer schooled, Marx and Hitler reading, schizophrenic who would shoot down a Blue Dog democrat and a little girl [after he had been deliberately left untouched over a three year span of increasing threat and weirdness by the Sheriff who led the Dem defiance of the anti-illegal immigration measures] and try the same MSM/Pravda Party Line tactics they've used ever since roughly 1992?

Because if your prediction was that some Tea Party guy would go out and to a Tim McVeigh then you're full of horsewhacky.

Mr roT said...

You've heard the expression,"The nail that sticks out gets hammered down."

Az stuck out and now will be paraded around as an epitome of small-government common sense.

See what happens, children, when you don't have adults around? OK, time to put you all in the rubber room where you belong. Time for a kangaroo court for Sarah Palin and everyone else that doesn't go along.

6=18? Sounds like Palin's math class. Hahaha! We're in charge now, little ones.

Tecumseh said...

Hey, we must be living in Z_6.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Again, the reality is that there is no, none, nada, zippo, rien, bu chung-se connection with this Mad Jared's actions and the Arizona decision to enforce existing immigration laws. It is manufactured 100% by the left, and bought hook, line, and sinker, by dumbasses not necessarily limited to the left. But the reality is this is 100% bullshit.
Now, if your point is that Arizona put a target on itself, and said "Hey, Lefty's, yoohooo!" by deciding to actually enforce the laws of this country, then...sure. If you like to go Japanese, yeah, it became the nail which tempted those with hammers and sickles to hammer, and sickle, away.
But, Herr Rott, one simple question: is it possible to act to stop the advancement of AmeriSoc without becoming the recipient of this sort of treatment? In case you are confused, the answer is NO. Anyone of sigificance who acts to stop it, be he or she from Arizona or Alaska, or Texas or Massachusetts, or Jersey or Utah, is going to get the full Goldstein.
The only time there will be no more nails seen to be standing out and requiring the hammer is when the coffin is sealed and we're all becoming food for Brother Worm. If this sort of vitriol, which is the regular chatter of the Left, makes you want to lay all meek and mild and play the David Brooks, then the triumph of the Left is swift and guaranteed.

Mr roT said...

It's guaranteed. Duh.

Arelcao Akleos said...

So is Death. It doesn't have to be so swift as you would wish for.

Arelcao Akleos said...

What you call "smart" is simply not to fight at all but to skulk in the woodwork and hope the conquering troops don't find you until Grim Reaping can take its natural course.

If you actually care about defeating AmeriSoc, or delaying it for as long as possible, then your deep "smart" is simply another word for profoundly stupid.

Mr roT said...

6=18 implies we're in a sgp of Z_12, Tecs!

Jeez, I have to teach you \CD?

Tecumseh said...

Finally, a coherent thought from Herr Roth. You making progress.

As for the argument with AA (which alas I fell behind on) -- there's no contest. As usual, Rot gets defeated by superior Cartesian logic. It's axiomatic.

Mr roT said...

Just pay for the algebra lesson, Tecs.

Tecumseh said...

What's that? That Z_6 is a subgroup of Z_{12}? You don't say.

Mr roT said...

Pay up.

A. Leverkuhn said...

I recall someone's infatuation with Bockstein's.

A. Leverkuhn

Arelcao Akleos said...

That's only because he thought it was a fine beer.

Mr roT said...

heh. Maltematics.