Thursday, January 13, 2011

RWN chief sips Kool-Aid

No way this is going to be easy. Obama is going to win all the rounds from now on, because the Dems painted Arizona to be Fascist a while back, and it proved to be true enough for dumbasses to agree.
Black days ahead. Lots of them.


Arelcao Akleos said...

True enough?? What was true about it? Pure Big Lie the whole way. But, yeah, dumbasses agree. Led by the Harvard dumbasses who think national destruction for the sheer frisson of it is sooooooooooo kewl.

Arelcao Akleos said...

The problem is not that the Dems are led by primarily by a bunch of thuggish AmeriSoc wannabes. That's been true since McGovern, at the very least. With a self-confident clear headed Republican Party the Dems would lose consistently. The problem is that the Repubs are led by a bunch of simpering Tory wannabes, and have been at least since Nelson Rockefeller. The substantial reality is that Reagan saved the Repubs from themselves. He was the one with the clarity and the self-confidence, and he brought in that large swath of disaffected "peasantry" [called "Reagan Dems", but was largely of independents and the old small town Repubs] into the GOP mainstream, using that party as a convenient locale for the stand against Versailles. But to do so he had to defeat, and coopt, the House of Bush--then,as now, the Tory power. And as soon as they could [which was as soon as Reagan left office] the Tory Repubs reasserted their droite de seigneur. There have been two major counterstrikes by the peasantry since then, 1994 and 2010, in both cases led by factions whose sentiments lay with the peasant against the Tory. And in both cases, while grateful for the better lodgings in Versailles so acquired, the "Leadership" has immediately set out to deflect, and then stymy, and then rollback, these lower class eruptions of political uncouth.
In short, our situation is far closer to that of England's, or Spain's, than Germany or Japan.
In retrospect, Thatcher, Reagan, Aznar were the last breath of political sanity before the game became one long pinochle match played out on the decks of the Titanic.

Mr roT said...

The Big Lie was bought by everyone.

When the dumbasses started their "papers please" bullshit, the jig was up.

Anything, anything at all, that happened closeby, either geographically or any other way, was going to get pinned on the right and the Tea Party, no matter what.

It wouldn't stick if the "papers please" thing hadn't gone through the papers for a month.

Now it will stick and the right is doomed, along with the country.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Oh, bullshit. Checking to see that immigrants are legal is perfectly reasonable, and necessary if immigration fraud is becoming a serious problem--as it did, say, about 1980. Our "papers", that is proper ID, is asked for each and every time we do almost fucking everything now. Whether governmental or business transaction.
The Big Lie included the lie you've helped push, that there was some "fascistic" about upholding the laws of this country. Don't like the law, change the fucking law, hrough the legislature, as our government was set up for. There are fascists in this country, for sure, but if any major political grouping has a minimal presence of that kind of bastard it is the Tea Party.

Mr roT said...

Not talking about immigration law, specifically. I am talking about cops being able to ask for papers when you're minding your own business.

That was new and the left and the papers (rightly) made hay, and enough of it so that (even) the Az legislature struck that part of the law.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Rotter, we have been over this before. Tecumseh even tried to get you to actually read the Arizona law. His efforts seem to have been in vain. The law did NOT say that cops had the right to ask for papers if you were minding your own business. It gave the right to ask for papers in the conduct of already existing stops. Auto stop, ask for papers. Trying to enter a building without authorization, ask for papers. Go to the bloody DMV, ask for papers. It specifically forbade targetting outside of natural policing work.

Mr roT said...

That's the current wording of the law. The legislature changed it.


Arelcao Akleos said...

Bullshit. Reagan was much further right than Bush. By that I mean he was much more attuned to the situation of the working and middle class than Bush was, and saw far more clearly than Bush that economic wellbeing lay far more in providing the soil in which business, small or large, could thrive, than in large scale command efforts by some united front of big government and big corporations. He was also far more attuned, than Bush, to the fragility of the rights of individuals before government power, and simply more admiring of the notion of limited government power. That is what the right is in this country.
You are right, though, if by "right" you mean Nelson Rockefeller or the House of Bush, where Government and Corporations admire the cut of each other's jib at Chez Ely, then Reagan was no rightwinger at all.

Arelcao Akleos said...

That is the current wording, and was so within a couple of weeks of it starting. It was also the intended meaning of the original [which did NOT say that anyone could be stopped while minding their own business]. To satisfy those calm and sober critics, such as you, which bedazzled the DC Circuit for two weeks, who need their reading given in careful spoonfuls. In those intervening two weeks it was applied exactly as they had intended, which was nobody was asked for papers who was not otherwise already engaged in a friendly discussion with their local Sheriff [except for that rotter Sheriff Dupnik, where nobody was asked for papers as a matter of principle].

Mr roT said...

Reagan was a union boss from Hollywood, divorced, ein Fruchtesvater, and incompetent.

Arelcao Akleos said...

A Union boss who fought succesfully against its Communist takeover [unlike his successors]. Divorced by a Leftwing Halekon. So incompetent that California, and this nation had thrived as rarely since then.

Your intended insults are the highest of compliments, Rotter.

Mr roT said...

Yeah, California the great. Why don't you move over there and duke it out with the lefties, AA?

Arelcao Akleos said...

It was great when Reagan was Governor. A golden age for that state it will never ever see again. Ever since, from Brown to Brown, it's rotted away. you can thank Pepe for that.

Mr roT said...

It was already rotting from the inside.

Tecumseh said...

Reagan was a union boss from Hollywood, divorced, ein Fruchtesvater, and incompetent.

A Rotter cri de coeur. This Reagan Derangement Syndrome is more telling than anything he says.