Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Let's see Pepe squirm out of this one...
Back before AA's and Pepe's hissy-fit, I am pretty sure that I posted articles indicating that Mars was experiencing an anthropogenic wave of hot weather as well and that W had to be behind it all. But if it was Mr Sun all along, then I guess I was wrong.
I wonder if Pepe the Editor of Geophysical Research Letters will retract his similar beliefs....
I wonder if Pepe the Editor of Geophysical Research Letters will retract his similar beliefs....
Tecs craps his pants worrying that the Chicoms git one of these'uns!

Mr Rot at the wheel
No, no, no, says Rot. You can't deport illegals when they're drunk-driving and squashing people like bugs. You can't fire drunk drivers of 18-wheelers. It's all spelled out in the penumbras of the Constitution.
Well-argued piece,
...but I think it's better to have a moderate at the top of the ticket. I wish our moderate wasn't such a damned pinko as Romney.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Yo, Gibson, Boy, What We Have Here is a Failure to Communicate
Perry on Obama: How “smart” do you have to be to let the economy get this bad?
Tecs gets huffy and sings boola boola or something.
Classic Obama: patronizing, dishonest, syntactically muddled, and grammatically challenged.
I would therefore agree with the suggestion that in the future, our concern in this area is most appropriately directed at any employer who would even insinuate that someone with Mr. Chen's extraordinary record of academic success might be somehow unqualified for work in a corporate law firm, or that such success might be somehow undeserved.
Typical error in the Ivies and affirmative action circles. Success is confused with achievement. A 12 year gig at U.C. without publishing a page of research. I would like a deal like that.
Typical error in the Ivies and affirmative action circles. Success is confused with achievement. A 12 year gig at U.C. without publishing a page of research. I would like a deal like that.
Pepe does science
They are believers wrapping themselves in the rhetoric of science while lacking all the care and dispassionate reasoning we associate with the practice of it.
Lysenko's follies,
Pinko and The Brain
Monday, August 29, 2011
CER-N-oble for Al Gore Da Science Guy
My Neighbors, Uncle Omar and Auntie Zeituni.
Wonder if Obamakles had any relatives who were legal immigrants.
REGURGE for a better source. The comments should be a lot of fun.
REGURGE for a better source. The comments should be a lot of fun.
Fish in a barrel
Freddy Krueger takes over from Austin Ghoulsby. Guy's got an office across from Krugman and was the idea man behind Cash for Clunkers.
Was there any doubt whether Obama could pick someone with reason?
Was there any doubt whether Obama could pick someone with reason?
Sunday, August 28, 2011
A winning campaign slogan: it's all a Ponzi scheme
I mean, sure, to a large extent--especially if we keep on spending like drunken sailors, and not producing much. But, but--is this the way to win in 2012?
Joys of quantitative easing
Another reason the Fed has put forward for its new QE reluctance, sotte voce, is politics. The mainstream consensus previously backing QE has collapsed. Republican presidential candidate, Rick Perry, declared that "further money printing" would be "treasonable" – a capital offence.
Modern capitalism, at its core, relies on the public's trust of fiat money and the sanctity of contract. QE, a form of state-sponsored theft, makes a mockery of both those cardinal concepts.
Modern capitalism, at its core, relies on the public's trust of fiat money and the sanctity of contract. QE, a form of state-sponsored theft, makes a mockery of both those cardinal concepts.
It's all the NYT's fault that Obama is a moron!
Personal accountability and character matter. Of course Tecs thinks it's all about diplomas from red brick buildings.
A=B, says Al Gore
Gore also took shots at Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has lambasted climate change alarmists on the presidential campaign trail, and other politicians who dare to question the veracity of global warming science. .. Ironically, back during Perry’s days as a Democrat, the Texas governor supported Gore in his 1988 presidential bid.
Tecs' candidate a Dem quisling. Shocka.

Mike Huckabee, Rudy Giuliani and John McCain found the Massachusetts governor privileged, inauthentic and awkward, according to people involved in the race. Even Fred Thompson, a late entrant, made his disdain for Romney clear.
In the 2007 run-up, the hate “was obvious, and it’s real, and it’s there and it’s palpable,” said one Republican operative involved in the 2008 cycle. “I do see it potentially developing this time here, too.”
The debates were get-Mitt forums where the hostility was on open display, with Huckabee, McCain and Giuliani all taking turns aiming barbs at Romney.
“There was a lot of social action between the candidates themselves, not just the staff, again, except for Gov. Romney’s campaign,” he said. “They were always the one at the end of the hall that had the door locked. I would say that in the scheme of the debates, they were playing the role of the Cool Kids.”
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Supersymmetry down the tubes?
Terminating the Raptor
Data meets (conservative) dogma
also from your buddies (if you missed the reference in another thread).
Note that I am sparing you the Huffpost & NYT comments on the topic.
Once upon a time, Mr Rot used to just love David Brooks
Former Democrat? Yeah, so are most Texas Republicans. Supported Gore? That’s way back when Gore was sane. Sounds like Rotter's alter ego.
Of course, Anwar has an inalienable right to privacy
.. guaranteed somewhere in the penumbras of the Constitution, which, unlike Article 3, Section 3, always apply.
Anwar al-Awlaki and his contacts with the first two hijackers to enter the U.S. in January 2000 are central to the [9/11] plot. It was at al-Awlaki's mosque in a rundown neighborhood of San Diego where the three men met on a regular basis. [..] On Oct. 10, 2002, Al-Awlaki was held by Customs agents at JFK International airport for three hours until an FBI agent, Wade Ammerman, ordered the cleric's release, even though there was an active warrant for al-Awlaki's arrest on passport fraud.
Anwar al-Awlaki and his contacts with the first two hijackers to enter the U.S. in January 2000 are central to the [9/11] plot. It was at al-Awlaki's mosque in a rundown neighborhood of San Diego where the three men met on a regular basis. [..] On Oct. 10, 2002, Al-Awlaki was held by Customs agents at JFK International airport for three hours until an FBI agent, Wade Ammerman, ordered the cleric's release, even though there was an active warrant for al-Awlaki's arrest on passport fraud.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Anniversary Approaching: Time to Think About What We're Going to Say
I'm sure you guys have seen this (click on link). If so, gimme your thoughts. If not, well, then here's the heads up. The press that published it is the mighty U of Chicago.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Of course, Rot will stand up for Guaman
Guaman had been arrested three times since 2007 for driving without a license in Milford, Uxbridge and Attleboro. The Attleboro charge was dismissed. Guaman also served one year of probation from May 2008 to May 2009 for charges that included assault and battery on a police officer and assault on a firefighter after a 2008 incident. [..] "As Worcester County Sheriff I want to be emphatically clear that if the Secure Communities Act was already in place, a criminal alien such as Nicholas Guaman with a prior arrest record could have been identified by the Department of Homeland Security and ICE giving them the opportunity to deport Mr. Guaman in advance of this horrific crime on Aug. 20," Worcester County Sheriff Lew Evangelidis said in a statement.
But of course, Massachusetts refuses to share info on illegal immigrants with ICE: Governor Patrick has stated repeatedly that he needs to study the program further before allowing other local law enforcement agencies to participate. His secretary of public safety and security, Mary Beth Heffernan, has expressed concern that Secure Communities might result in the arrest and removal of illegal aliens who have committed lesser offenses, such as burglary, drunk driving, domestic violence, or gang-related misdemeanors.
But of course, Massachusetts refuses to share info on illegal immigrants with ICE: Governor Patrick has stated repeatedly that he needs to study the program further before allowing other local law enforcement agencies to participate. His secretary of public safety and security, Mary Beth Heffernan, has expressed concern that Secure Communities might result in the arrest and removal of illegal aliens who have committed lesser offenses, such as burglary, drunk driving, domestic violence, or gang-related misdemeanors.
Homer would have pinned this on Zeus and Poseidon
With this and Poseidon Earthshaker cracking the Washington Monument...
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Asinine wormholes
"If 2 plus 2 equals 5, prove that I am the Pope." Russell replied, "If 2 plus 2 is 5, then 4 is 5; if 4 is 5, then (subtracting three from each side) 1 is 2; you and the Pope are two, therefore you and the Pope are one."
Monday, August 22, 2011
Taleb Bans Statistica da Puta

Who practices what he preaches: " Professor Bernanke indeed found plenty of economic explanations—what I call the narrative fallacy—with graphs, jargon, curves, the kind of facade-of-knowledge that you find in economics textbooks. (This is the kind of glib, snake-oil facade of knowledge—even more dangerous because of the mathematics—that made me, before accepting the new position in NYU's engineering department, verify that there was not a single economist in the building.)"
The Democrats, rights, and Freedom
Redux from SCROTUS.
Even the "Energy President" Jimmah wouldn't have done that.
Even the "Energy President" Jimmah wouldn't have done that.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
The Van Jones economy

O Obamakles, Spare Us From the Evil Lemonistas
A World of Soros

Monsieur Soros: Naziste, Fasciste, Communiste, Dirigiste... toujours le Tyranniste. Cochon et Cretin, piece de merde et putain.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Bad Biden-ess even Before the HoyaBrawl
Why do The Aliens Hate Us So?
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Pepe LePew PeePee LeMieux
Pepe comments, in standard Franglais: He should have pee in the attendant´s leg.
Fly the friendly skies,
PP in the Cloaca
Ex-Goreman denies Goreball warming
Better late than never, but hey, it's a learning process. They ain't too fast down in Texas, are they?
Also in the news: Texas vs Texas? Man, oh, man.
And, of course, Herr Rot fell head over heels for Harriet Myers. Remember that?
Also in the news: Texas vs Texas? Man, oh, man.
And, of course, Herr Rot fell head over heels for Harriet Myers. Remember that?
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Rot driving, texting, and jabbering in his brain-fryer, all at once
In the meantime, woman punches man.
Mr Rot at the wheel,
nokia fryin' my brain
Monday, August 15, 2011
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