Saturday, June 16, 2012

Article 2, Section 3 does not apply, says Mr Rot


Charly said...

article II section 3 says nothing on how promptly the pres ought to intervene.

Tecumseh said...

That's right, Charly: Depends on what the definition of is is. A great way to run the ship of state.

Mr roT said...

Tecs seems to think there's a version of the Constitution written by James Joyce and it's in vigor. Here's the inscrutable text:

Article II, Section 3:

He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper; he shall receive Ambassadors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the Officers of the United States.

Where's the Ship of State, Tecs?

Charly said...

Tecs - A few people who have lived all their lives in the US, and who are in most respects at least as american as you are (albeit technically not) want to stay to work. This is a hardly matter of urgency.

This isn't to say this silly debate doesn't give him political traction, but the issue in itself is total bull.

Tecumseh said...

Mr Rot: Technically, yes, no Ship of State in Article II, Section 3. But it does say, he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed. What part of that clause is unclear?

Tecumseh said...

Bitter clinger not happy.

Mr roT said...

Then (II, 3) allows for the appointment of a dictator, like the Roman constitution permitted.

Tecumseh said...

Imperator Caesar, divi Nervae fihius, Nerva Traianus Augustus, Germanicus, Dacicus, Pontifex Maximus, tribunicia potestate VIII, imperator III, consul V, pater patriae, equitibus et peditibus, qui militant in alis duabas et cohortibus decem et una, quae appellantur I Tungrorum et Classiana civium Romanorum; et I Celtiberorum et I Hispanorum et I Lingonum, et I Fida Vardullorum, et I Nervorum, et II Vasconum civium Romanorum et II . . . et . . .Asturum et . . . Pannonionum et . . . Delmatorum; et Sunt in Britannia sub . . . qui quena et vicena plurave stipendia meruerunt, quorum nomina subscripta sunt, ipsis liberis posterisque eorum civitatem dedit et conubium cum uxoribus quas tunc habuissent, cum est civitas us data, aut, si qui caelibes essent, cum us quas postea duxissent dumtaxat singuli singulas.

Mr roT said...

Who ordered the Arugula Caesar?

Tecumseh said...

(II, 3) never applies, says Mr Rot.

Tecumseh said...

Kraut not happy with how the Ship of State is being steered.

Arelcao Akleos said...

One day Lord Obamakles asked a question: "Just where are those firebreathing right wing Divisions willing to fight for the Constitution?" .... and looked out and saw but a sea of Tucker Carlsons and Andrew Sullivans getting Boehnered and Bloomberged by the Rove's and McCains until their Graham's were all Bush-whacked....

The Republic is dying, and the Constitution with it. If you don't like it then please feel free to humbly submit a petition for redress from The Tsar of Czars.

Mr roT said...

'Tsar of Czars' saith the Lord Transliterator.

Mr roT said...

AA, you're right about the Republic's state.

The populus is cool with it and is going gentle into that good night.