Thursday, June 28, 2012

Strange new respect

Nazi bitch Coulter saw it coming, back in '05. Kraut finds a silver lining. Bah, humbug.


Mr roT said...

Harvard Law.

Tecumseh said...


Mr roT said...

Hey Tecs, I remember this NB coulter piece. I also recall having some confidence thqt the other branches would stabilize the ship of state.

Hey! Remarkable man, that Coanda, Tecs.

Tecumseh said...

I'm at a stone's throw from Coanda Street. The building there (or the one across from it) has a big sign saying: Do Not Park. Pieces of masonry falling down. Cars simply park right there in front of the sign. I give it a wide berth when passing by.

Mr roT said...

Give right-of-way and respect where it's due, Tecs.

Tecumseh said...

Profile in Courage.

Tecumseh said...

A heckuva job:

Under today’s majority holding, Congress can take anything it couldn’t do through the Commerce Clause and the Necessary and Proper Clause, attach a penalty to your not doing it, then have a court declare this penalty a “tax” and rope the entire governmental command within the reach of the Taxing Clause. Henceforth the national government has the power through this approach to command you to do anything not specifically protected by the Bill of Rights or other liberty provisions in the Constitution.

Pinko Nirvana finally attained.

Mr roT said...


Arelcao Akleos said...

And of course the strychnine in that mess is that even if the Republicans should take hold of the Presidency, and both houses of Congress, in the fall, they have too many McCain'ish and other Bush leaguers around to have the cojones to repeal this sordid mess and to directly challenge the extra piece of shit on "taxpower" which now sets up little between the President and Dictator but whatever respect for the Bill of Rights our judiciary still possesses.......
...good luck on that one.

Arelcao Akleos said...

If a nation comes down to the point that the character of a single man will decide its fate, well, then, it is only gonna get lucky so many times.
Today, Fortuna turned on the USA like a late stage syphilitic whore fresh from the brothels of Planet Pepe.

Mr roT said...

Depends on the man. Gibbon wrote something to the effect that countries are great while they can produce great men, I reckon he meant Iulius and Octavian as good examples. They held a gigantic and unwieldy empire together for a good while, just the pair of them.
Of course they had dictatorial powers, but they seem to have had more character than our thin gruel of Harvard and Yale's tanks. For example, they were military men unlike Obama and Romney.
I am with you, AA. It is much harder for a country to hold it together if everything hangs together by only one lynchpin, but it is also difficult to hold a country together if the whole nation lacks character.
That's the USA now. For proof, just take an antiemetic and watch TV. That's what the masses like, believe it or not.

Mr roT said...

Kraut's "silver lining" was that American voters can conjure up some cojones and elect congress and president that have a pair among them.

Bah. Watch TV and see if Americans are good for anything but potato chips and masturbation.

I think not. Let them have Rudin.

Tecumseh said...

A implies not A: Pepean logick expands its sphere of applicability.

Tecumseh said...

That elusive silver lining...

Tecumseh said...

Desperately looking for a silver lining. This is getting tiring, quickly. Like watching Portugal and Spain kick around the ball aimlessly.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"This is getting tiring, quickly. Like watching Portugal and Spain kick around the ball aimlessly"

And in the end, the bastards win.