Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Canonically tautological


Arelcao Akleos said...

But if Bush had never been President would there ever have been an Obamakles to gift us with a Fast and Furious?...The Lady has a telling point.

Arelcao Akleos said...

In the small land of wien, there lies a Rotter. And in the wien mind of this Rotter there lies a small thought. And in this thought there is a telling lack of iron, which sad deficiency manifests itself in that no statement writ in irony, or script dipped in sarcasm, has a hope of being detected; but perforce must be answered to in earnestness and oblivious gravamen.
Like Nancy Pelosi if hit upon by a drunken WC Fields at the latest Kennedy bash.

Mr roT said...

the poet farts...