Thursday, June 28, 2012

Only the brightest and best



Arelcao Akleos said...

Remember, these are the same folks who are going to tax car manufacturers next year if they don't use "cellulosic biofuel"...which magnificent fuel don't even exist yet.
Once you open your mind to the possibilities of taxing that which ain't, well, the World is your Unicorn.

Tecumseh said...

Precisely: We can now look forward to taxes levied by the auto industry for not having bought a new car in the last seven years, the liquor industry for buying too few bottles of wine to maintain your health, and by the agricultural industry for not buying that damned broccoli after all. We might even have Obama attempt to impose a tax for not buying enough contraception; we can call that the Trojan tax.

It's all those famed penumbras of the Constitution.