Monday, August 13, 2007

911 + Week, a Retrospective Glimpse

A letter to M.Steyn's website. One of the most vivid memories from a visit to Manhattan shortly after 911, with a certain Irish Dogg and the mordantly witted MFT, was of a march by some 3,000 [or so was the claim] card carrying members of Planet Pepe [this particular chapter being that of ANSWER, whom you may remember did such fine cover for Saddam for a good year +]. No, it has gotten no better since. The Lords of PP still are firmly committed to Bush=Hitler, while the Bush administration is stuck in a bizarre limbo where Churchill's rhetoric is married to Chamberlain's political sensibility. No, it has gotten worse.

I was in London six weeks after 9/11 and saw my first anti-American (anti-pre-Afghanistan-war, anti-capitalism, whatever) rally. It was stunning for me, as an American, to see. Fortunately there were sane Brits there to calm me down. I was simply stunned, and headed for the nearest pub just to keep from getting arrested. First time I saw a Bush=Hitler sign too. I'll never forget it. It was then, looking back, that the full force of the idea that roughly half of the west is simply unprepared to deal with radical Islamism, and would just as soon blame America or whatever the current boogey man is, hit me. And it's not got any better since.

Brent Smith


My Frontier Thesis said...

One of the most vivid memories from a visit to Manhattan shortly after 911, with a certain Irish Dogg and the mordantly witted MFT, was of a march by some 3,000 [or so was the claim] card carrying members of Planet Pepe [this particular chapter being that of ANSWER, whom you may remember did such fine cover for Saddam for a good year +].

A true spectacle, AA. I gave the video we took to the local Bismarck Community Access Television, and they ran it sporadically for at least a year (I only knew this because random strangers -- apparently connoisseurs of CATV -- would approach me and tell me they saw the video, and thought it good). The ANSWER folks were a rather placid addition to the Zoo of Humanity that we all love/hate and know of as New York City. They held and retain some of the most bizarre ideas and analogies regarding Hitler, and what fascism -- or totalitarianism -- is truly all about. Had we been contracted to make their signage, perhaps a "Democracy for Totalitarianism and Theocratic Rule" would have been an accurate description?

Again, irony was lost on them.

My Frontier Thesis said...

AA, I'm pretty ignorant of Mr. Steyn's website. If you could clarify for me, you posted this above letter to some portion of his website?