Sunday, August 19, 2007

JJ on ice

Chasing mountain goats, yes?


My Frontier Thesis said...

Hundreds of naked Euro-dudes on a shrinking glacier? Find JJ... And that's not all that was shrinking on that cold, green day.

Interesting enough, my folks, who have a steady history of casting Republican votes, are more into recycling and purchasing water-saving appliances (a washing machine, for example) than those Democrats down the street who cruise by our house with their SUVs and non-fat soy lattes.

My Frontier Thesis said...

One more note: I'll be out of town from here until later this weekend. See you in a few days, fellahs. The dog days might be over.

Tecumseh said...

Yeah -- it's gotten chilly in Beantown, and JJ is back. Brought back some ice with him from that glacier?