Monday, August 13, 2007

Skanda Kopa Gone Loca

This has to be to be the most laughably stupid cop caper I've ever heard of......and if it was a pick up trick gone awry, then it is even more laughable.

1 comment:

My Frontier Thesis said...

This Svenska cop was way out of line, or a bit too "ambitious" as one person put it.

Maybe she got rejected, and then read this, but just before seeing Barry Bonds hit another homerun while publicly denying steroid use, and smiling all the time.

She had two sources, a big-armed wrestler found dead, and a buldging Barry Bonds casually breaking the home-run record. Then she gets rejected in a bar by a big-armed Norseman, and she has the perfect argument for rebuttle.

Or she just could have moved along like any other sane person.