Monday, August 06, 2007

Caliph-ornia; or, SHARIA BAKING 101

This past Saturday (08/04/07), CNN ran a little blurb regarding this story in Oakland. Chauncey Bailey, an editor of the Oakland Post, was murdered last Thursday, during the day, by an Islamic group. CNN referred to the thugs as an "Islamic splinter group," whatever that means.

Here's one reason mft hates cops (although admittedly yes, there are decent ones out there, trying to make a positive difference). Hitchens remarks on trying to have a conversation with California Coppers:

I called Bob Valladon, the extremely rude and graceless head of the Oakland police union, but I didn't even get to put my question before receiving a large flea in my ear. Other California law-enforcement officials were adamant in refusing to be quoted in any way. I can't say I blame them: Thousands of their voters and citizens are living in Third World conditions of fear, with a "no-snitch" policy openly enforced at gunpoint, and they cannot be troubled to do anything about it.

When is the Governator going to step in? And why hasn't he already?


Tecumseh said...

Now, I'm just asking, but: rape, polygamy, intimidation, torture, murder, all these actions emanating from one address and some of them performed in the name of a fanatical ideology. What does it take before the police decide to raid the premises? Should we wait until unveiled women are attacked on the street or until honor killings or female circumcision take hold?

Welcome to Hotel California.

Mirrors on the ceiling,
The pink champagne on ice
And she said ’we are all just prisoners here, of our own device’
And in the master’s chambers,
They gathered for the feast
The stab it with their steely knives,
But they just can’t kill the beast

Arelcao Akleos said...

Damn, I was about to post this when I saw that MFT had Hitched his horse first to the post...
This Bob Valladon sounds like Pepe's kind of King of Koppers. Oakland better watch out, or it will lose this "talent" to a high bidder, such as Londonistan

My Frontier Thesis said...

It was interesting to see that CNN blurb, and then have it contrasted with an insightful Hitchens piece. More info, better context.

How come Arnold hasn't dropped the hammer on these bastards yet?

Arelcao Akleos said...

I don't know, MFT, but there are absurd rumors going around that his tough guy persona was only an act.

My Frontier Thesis said...

there are absurd rumors going around that his tough guy persona was only an act.

Interesting... Hmmmm... So his science fiction and fiction-action roles translate into a psuedo-tough political role today. He sure does smile alot.

Tecumseh said...

A patsy for the Kennedy clan?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Given a Kennedy pastie, it was only a matter of time before he became a patsy