Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sunday Afternoon w/ MFT; or, .308 meets 1.45 lbs of melon...

Note the .308 shell (that's the caliber most Marine Snipers use). There's the Irish Dogg holding the melon (don't worry: to be placed atop the hay bails). And the aftermath. I have a 13-second AVI video of the actual shooting of the melon, but for whatever reason won't allow my iMac to upload the damned thing. I'll try to figure it out. Kind of neat to watch the "reactive target" blast into a million little bits. We had fun.


Mr roT said...

Did you test the jet-recoil theory?

My Frontier Thesis said...

Naw, we were just shooting shit.

To side track you even more, here's one of Alverez's contemporaries.