Sunday, December 09, 2007

Dowd from Pepe

The world is globalizing, nuclear weapons are proliferating, the Middle East is seething, but Republicans are still arguing the Scopes trial.

It's good to know that Maureen Dowd has cut the fluff and now is thinking about the big issues.


Tecumseh said...

She the Diva of Planet Pepe? Oy, what a powerhouse!

By the way, the Boston Globe had a much more positive view of Mitt's speech. How come?

Mr roT said...

two papers in one?

My Frontier Thesis said...

That sentence is ripe for an Orwell deconstruction, and Dowd's English teachers weren't as rigorous as they could have been.

How does the World globalize? Isn't the world already global? It's akin to making the astounding observation that the planet is the world.

And how do nuclear weapons proliferate? Are they breeding on their own, now?

...I'll stop there.