Thursday, May 01, 2008

Grand Unification!

AI ~ Pat Buchanan ~ Commies ~ Obama ~ Romney.


Tecumseh said...

No dice, JJ: so OK, there is Wright and Obama in there (big deal), and some random commie (bohhring), and, yes, Pat Buchanan (OK, this spices things up a bit, but he's providing fodder to the crazy pinkos nowadays fairly regularly, when he gets off his meds), but no Mitt, and certainly no AI. So, how about that kite, it needs to fly -- badly.

Mr roT said...

You mean Benjamin Franklin's kite?

Look, AI, your hands are in this international commie conspiracy and you know it. Just fess up, Dr Romneycare.

Tecumseh said...

I thought your buddy Mac is the one who just was sold on to Romneycare, no?

Mr roT said...

Nah. It's Mac's version of gay marriage or something. Get the gullible out of the house on election day.