Thursday, May 01, 2008

Japanese toilets

Can anyone explain how does use wooden sticks for these purposes? I cannot use chopsticks for eating (I always ask for a fork in a Japanaese restaurant). Wiping my ass with them sounds even harder: Wooden sticks called chu-gi were used as a sort of toilet paper. In earlier days seaweed was used for cleaning, but by the Edo period, these had been replaced by toilet paper made of washi. In the mountainous regions, wooden scrapers and large leaves were used too.


Mr roT said...

Foreigners don't know how to crap properly, even. Burning my passport.

Tecumseh said...

Just watch out for those chopsticks next time you go to a sushi place. You never know what purpose they may have served, previously.

Mr roT said...

Good point. Sapporo tastes a little off to me too. Is this a GUT?