Monday, May 05, 2008

Spengler and God

So, mft, is Ratzi just a superstitious homo?


My Frontier Thesis said...

At least Martin Luther wasn't afraid of coitus with his wife. I don't know the current Pope's sexual orientation, though. All that sexual repression has got to be good for the soul, eh AI and JJ?

Mr roT said...

So what? Luther was a fraud.

My Frontier Thesis said...

They should've burned him too. You know, do the job right.

Mr roT said...


Pepe le Pew said...

We must believe in the fact that Islam is not confined to geographical borders, ethnic groups and nations. It's a universal ideology that leads the world to justice. We don't shy away from declaring that Islam is ready to rule the world. We must prepare ourselves to rule the world.

I like that idea. As our spouses age, there is no question that they look better under a chador.

Mr roT said...

Pepe, you bastard. Your wife is a babe. You want to put her in a bag, send her here and I'll send you something else.