Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Er það hægt, dáinn draumur Íslendingur??

From the Saga of Burnt Njal (somewhat amended) :

""So it is," said JJ, "as run words-- `Ill goes it with
those who are born on barren land, and more Ill those who have drunk by the green river yet awake to barren land.-'"

"Wilt thou to Iceland?" she asks.

"Yes," he answered.

Unfortunately, JJ, it came to pass that:

"Men say that the end of JJ's life was, that he fared abroad,
when he had grown old, to seek for sound timber to build him a Hall worthy of his Love; and he was in the Nordlands that winter, but the next summer he was late, bound in southern straights; and men told him that his ship was not seaworthy.

His Love said she was quite good enough for an Old and Deathdoomed
man, and bore his goods on shipboard and put out to sea to Iceland. But of
that ship no tidings were ever heard, not even from the cry of gulls, and time passed until men forgot to seek to hear"


Mr roT said...

I thought islendigur was cunnilingus in Reykjavik.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Board your vessel to Iceland, and see if you ever find out.