Sunday, October 05, 2008

A I Steyn

Sounds good, huh, AI? POWWW!!.


Tecumseh said...

In the Diner of the Mind, the refills are endless and Senator Joe is sitting shootin’ the breeze over a cuppa joe with a couple other regular joes on adjoining stools while Betty-Jo, the sassy waitress who’s tough as nails but with a heart of gold, says Ol’ Joe, the short-order cook who’s doing his Sloppy Joes just the way the Senator likes ‘em, really appreciates the way that, despite 78 years in Washington, Joe Biden is still just the same regular Joe Six-Pack he was when he and Norman Rockwell first came in for a sarsaparilla all those years ago.

Steyn is on a roll.

Mr roT said...

Hanging from those manacles in the Bastille of Quebec City must've sharpened his mind.

Tecumseh said...

You mean, Québec City?

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

SNL sketch.