Saturday, October 04, 2008

Kurtz Goes Upriver on Hudson-on-Pravda

"The Horror, the Horror" mutters Le Pew, and prepares to send out his "messenger boyz" to do the Extreme Prejudice tango on Kurtz's ass.

But of course Stanley has it right. The Grey Old Lady is shamelessly whoring for Baracky, and Pepe is now her John. Ain't she a Beauty?


Arelcao Akleos said...

I hear Iceland has closed its borders, JJ. Killer seal pups at all beach-heads to gum as down as we seek the shelter of that icy haven. It seems they have the promethean touch, damn them to hell.....
How about Pitcairn?

Tecumseh said...

Watch out there.

Arelcao Akleos said...

OK, AI, how about a nice safe haven, far from any madding crowd, yet with just a touch of old Brittania to bring the civilizing virtues? You know, a place like the Falklands...
Oh, Yeah....

Ok, how about Tasmania?