Thursday, October 09, 2008

Oh AI! My VCP now?

I did not have sex with that woman.


Tecumseh said...

Chickens are coming home to roost, JJ. Remember how you were rationalizing and condoning Bubba's lies and fibs and parsing way back when? The bar was lowered. Look where it got us. Do you think anyone will care anymore now?

Arelcao Akleos said...

It depends, AI. If Barack was rightwing Le Pew would be out to hang him quicker than Judge Roy Bean could down a swig of firewater. Le Pew and the whole MSM.
But he's a socialist that makes Norman Thomas look like the Gipper. And the prospect of seeing Ricains in deep doodoo is to rich for the Le Pews of this world to resist temptation. Of course Planet Pepe will burn as much as Ricainia, but it's the nature of the scorpion.

Mr roT said...

I didn't know you when Bill was using an intern's internals as a humidor. Back then I thought Ken Starr was being the douchebag for talking about body fluids in a governmental setting. There's a certain level of healthy hypocrisy needed in these things.
Hearing about an apocryphal blow-by-blow with Hillary would not have been particularly edifying either.
Did we really have to hear that Barney Frank was taking an arsely crank all these years?
Couldn't he just be happy being a corrupt Massachusetts hack instead of a lube-owner as well?

Mr roT said...

Barack boy in trouble.

Tecumseh said...

I'm not talking about stained dresses or humidors. I'm talking about obstruction of justice, perjury, the works -- the counts Billy Jeff was convicted in the House, but acquitted in the Senate. At any rate, it's water under the bridge now -- but again, that's when standards were lowered, I think. Too late now to insist on truthfulness, accountability, and all those quaint concepts.

Mr roT said...

AI, I don't think standards of honesty are lower now than they ever were. You sound like those people that thought there was less pollution before cars when there were millions of horses shitting in the streets.

U S Grant's administration is still the most corrupt ever.

Tecumseh said...

OK, I'll grant you that. But the clock started ticking, far as I am concerned, with Jimmah. And, for better or for worse, you didn't see that kind of crap with Reagan and Bush père -- even with Jimmah (for all his atrocious political instincts). It all started with Billy Jeff, and it's been downhill from there.

Pepe le Pew said...

The media sent teams of reporters to dig through Alaskan dumpsters to find dirt on Sarah Palin, but they’re completely uninterested in finding and interviewing William Ayers.

And rightly so! Come on people, there is no story there: who gives a shit whether Ayers hosted a party for Obama? It doesn't say anything about Obama, other than the fact that he failed to run a background check on a vague acquaintance. And as long as the right remains focused on this non-story, we'll be cruisin' to victory.

Pepe le Pew said...

I did not have sex with that woman.

You never have sex with women.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"And rightly so! Come on people, there is no story there: who gives a shit whether Ayers hosted a party for Obama? It doesn't say anything about Obama, other than the fact that he failed to run a background check on a vague acquaintance. And as long as the right remains focused on this non-story, we'll be cruisin' to victory."

Not even Pepe could keep a straight face when spewing this bullshit.

Tecumseh said...

Oh, he does, he does, AA. Pepe is the perfect embodiment of the pinko mindset -- so of course palling around with commie bomb-throwers is OK for him. But then firing taser-toting psychos is a capital offense (if done by a non-pinko, of course). It's hopeless trying to argue right or wrong or morals or rectitude in this situation. Just have some more ouzo.

Pepe le Pew said...

Pepe is the perfect embodiment of the pinko mindset

Not so! How many perfect embodiments of pinko mindsets have you seen voting for a conservative in a presidential election ai ? Now ask yourself how many times in your own life you've voted for a dem and what that says about your ability to think independently of party politics.

But then firing taser-toting psychos is a capital offense
It isn't - I've answered that concern in another thread.

Mr roT said...

Pepe, you can't close your eyes to Obama's past associations and be taken seriously here. Obama's ex-bedfellows are at about the level of David Duke and Edwin Edwards. There's no way you would vote conservative for a bedboy of Duke's, or even liberal.

Pepe le Pew said...

you can't close your eyes to Obama's past associations and be taken seriously here

I've never hoped to be taken seriously here!
That being said, all you are doing is grasping at straws by trying to establish affinity for terrorism from a brief tenuous relationship. While I'll concede it's fair game, this is nothing more than cheap politicking.

Mr roT said...

It's not affinity for terrorism at all. I don't think Obama is pro-terrorism. I think he has no character. Anyone with any would refuse to deal with scumbags like Ayers, Rezko, and Wright.

Pepe le Pew said...

Character schmaracter. the bushes had the character of garden slugs and you voted for them.

Mr roT said...

Really now? Examples, please?

Pepe le Pew said...

How about their association with the Fahds ?