Friday, October 03, 2008

Rectifying the bullshit

If it wasn't for the MSM, who would shoot that pathetic swift-boating attempt?


Arelcao Akleos said...

Rectifying this bullshit is happening all around Le Pew. But he'll cling to the MSM spin until his hands bleed like an extra on "Saw". He cannot conceive otherwise. An Aristo cannot ever allow mere Peasants to get away with revealing the depth of his commingling with shitheads.
This article stinks of the same "line of defense" as the old "Hey, just because he embraced Wright for 20 years don't mean he actually ever hear the dude speak, ya know?"
Sarcolepsy With Eyes Wide Open as the cure-all excuse. And Le Pew laps it up with the happy wag of tail of a dog sucking on a fresh milkbone.

Arelcao Akleos said...

UH, Le Pew, you do realize that this is the same article that JJ had posted????
Too proud to comment on JJ's post, and prefer to lay claim of droit du seigneur to it?

Pepe le Pew said...

I cling to the MSM like you to the Limbaugh show and Mike Savage. Ditto !

Pepe le Pew said...

we posted at the same time it seems - you need to take issue with everything don't you? Surely you've heard about masturbation as a way to calm your nerves.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Really? And since when did I refer in a post to an article or argument set out by either of those two fine radio personalities? You, however, suck on the MSM one-inch as if it was a Virtual Kayla.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Surely you are capable of going through life without such bathetic reliance on the Wisdom of Something About Mary?

Pepe le Pew said...

You wouldn't refer but the rhetoric is unmistakable.

Pepe le Pew said...

any other black helicopters hovering you want to share with us?
he a closet muslim
he friends with terra payple
gimme more - I'm running out of whitewaters

Arelcao Akleos said...

The rhetoric is unmistakeable? Now that is sad for many reasons, Vichy Boy.
First, because you couldn't truth from the rhetoric of your Dreamworld if an alligator chomped on your gonads after having eluded your "defenses" by dressing in a pink tutu.
Second, you seem to claim a grand familiarity with the rhetoric of the Savage Rush. So grand that it resonates in the emptiness of the Pewian skull as "unmistakeable".
Third, however much you idle away your time with listening to radio personalities: You are Mistaken.
What is not a mistake, is that you actually seem to believe that such an open fellow traveler of Obama, as is the NYT, would be a source of reliable editorial judgement on Baracky. They are as reliable as they were in their editorial judgement of the Soviet Union or Castro....
Ah, of course!

Pepe le Pew said...

if an alligator chomped on your gonads after having eluded your "defenses" by dressing in a pink tutu.

Ha! An instant classic. Bravo - it's beautiful.

So NYT=Pravda - see what I'm saying about the copters?

Tecumseh said...

Yep, NYT=Pravda on the Hudson. Got a problem with that, Pepe?

Mr roT said...


Pepe le Pew said...

Got a problem with that?

Not anymore than I have a problem with Montana militias worried about whether the dems are about to sell america to the jewish lobbies.

Tecumseh said...

Lovely strawman you set up there, Pepe. Pinkos just love red herrings, don't they?