And 123. And as a lagniappe, a little bit of Putin here and here in the US of A. New reversing even the good that Bill Clinton did. Ceding the last frontier.
Yemen disseminates freedom-fighters (I don't think it's permitted to call them terrorists anymore because of the fairness doctrine).
AA's shouts.
Klein: [Biden's] clarion statement of international sanity had a curious effect on its audience: stunned silence, as the assembled Europeans and Russians were confronted with a terrifying new reality. They were out of excuses, especially our NATO allies. If the U.S. was done with thoughtless bellicosity, the peaceable Euros might have to respond more substantively to our requests for them to live up to their pledges in Afghanistan.
I like that might in there. The idea that these pollyannas still are pushing is that we have no opponents and that our friends are actually to lend a hand.
Everyone just wants to be happy!
Kumbaya, kumbaya! Pepe sings the hare krishna, all dressed in a pink robe.
North Korea has just announced that it plans to launch a new Taepodong-2 missile capable of reaching the United States. ... North Korea may agree with Hillary Clinton's criticism of the United States the last eight years -- and thereby announce to her that it feels less obligated to keep promises once made with an "impulsive" United States.
Long Dong coming Pepe's way? Ah, don't worry, be happy, he says. Or is it, IT'S ALL BUSH'S FAULT!!!?Whatever, dude.
Just talk it over. And blame it all on W. A no brainer.
Karl Rove weighs in: Team Obama has been living off its campaign reputation for planning and execution. That reputation is now frayed, and all the bumbling and unforced errors will have an impact. Such things don't go unnoticed on Capitol Hill or in foreign capitals.
You don't say. But of course, they don't even come close to denting Pepe's unshakable faith in The One.
Feels like Carter again, huh?
North Korea has just announced that it plans to launch a new Taepodong-2 missile capable of reaching the United States.
Yeah, but consider that it would only reach California.
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