Tuesday, December 01, 2009

The Conqueror Worm

throws the book at the corruptioneers of science:

"To answer Miss Lydgate’s question, one can apparently get quite a lot out of a reputation one knows one doesn’t deserve. Al Gore, no scientist himself, although he plays one on TV, has made hundreds of millions of dollars. That’s just greed, though, which is almost understandable.

What is infinitely more awful than mere greed and ignorance is the fact that so many scientists have pursued the man-made global warming scheme as a way to destroy the entire capitalist, post-industrial infrastructure of the Western world. Armed with the fanatic belief that humans are irredemably evil, and that Westerners are particularly evil, they have used man-made global warming as a method to de-fuel us.

Without our energy, we have no factories, we have no transportation, we have no light, we have no heat. We are reduced to pre-industrial essentials of subsistence farming in a world lit only by fire. With this grand ideological goal, who cares about a single individual’s scientific reputation. It is enough to have the power to remake the world in a Marxist image."


Mr roT said...

J.J. Thomson is dead.

Tecumseh said...

Al Gore, no scientist himself, although he plays one on TV…. Classic! He took all of two science courses in college, and no math courses. For his knowledge of the subject, he could just as well have been a TV pitchman for OxyClean.

But, but -- says Pepe -- Al Gore invented the Internet!

Mr roT said...

How many Nobels do you have, Tecs?

Tecumseh said...


Mr roT said...
