Another striking thing that emerges from the emails is that the climate modelers don't have a high regard for paleoclimatology, and the paleos have a palpable inferiority complex. Judging by the length of many of the email chains kvetching about their problems, it is a wonder this small group had time to do any actual research.
The CRU scandal is only the tip of an unmelted iceberg of politicized science, though the "hard" sciences until recently have been generally thought immune (or at least resistant) to the leftist bias and political correctness of the universities. ... MIT's Kerry Emanuel, as "mainstream" as they come in climate science (Al Gore references his work, and in one of his books Emanuel refers to Senator James Inhofe as a "scientific illiterate" and to climate skeptics as les refusards), nonetheless offers this warning to his field:
Scientists are most effective when they provide sound, impartial advice, but their reputation for impartiality is severely compromised by the shocking lack of political diversity among American academics, who suffer from the kind of group-think that develops in cloistered cultures. Until this profound and well-documented intellectual homogeneity changes, scientists will be suspected of constituting a leftist think tank.
Irony: the ugly, drum-like concrete building at the University of East Anglia which houses the CRU is named after its founder, the late Hubert Lamb, the doyen of historical climate experts. It was Professor Lamb whose most famous contribution to climatology was his documenting and naming of what he called the Medieval Warm Epoch, that glaring contradiction of modern global warming theory which his successors have devoted untold efforts to demolishing.
Analysts have no fun, Tecs. You know that PDE types have hygiene issues and smoke too much. Girl analysts are kinda tough looking and seem to hang around each other than with the boys.
We had a visitor in the Inst. in number theory. Tall, lovely, blonde, Dutch. Now that was fun.
She would have been tasty, for sure. You may know her. She's from the Ww place you've been to recently. I'll bet you had trouble keeping your hands to yourself...
Another striking thing that emerges from the emails is that the climate modelers don't have a high regard for paleoclimatology, and the paleos have a palpable inferiority complex. Judging by the length of many of the email chains kvetching about their problems, it is a wonder this small group had time to do any actual research.
Hmmm... Sounds familiar.
The CRU scandal is only the tip of an unmelted iceberg of politicized science, though the "hard" sciences until recently have been generally thought immune (or at least resistant) to the leftist bias and political correctness of the universities. ... MIT's Kerry Emanuel, as "mainstream" as they come in climate science (Al Gore references his work, and in one of his books Emanuel refers to Senator James Inhofe as a "scientific illiterate" and to climate skeptics as les refusards), nonetheless offers this warning to his field:
Scientists are most effective when they provide sound, impartial advice, but their reputation for impartiality is severely compromised by the shocking lack of political diversity among American academics, who suffer from the kind of group-think that develops in cloistered cultures. Until this profound and well-documented intellectual homogeneity changes, scientists will be suspected of constituting a leftist think tank.
You don't say.
Irony: the ugly, drum-like concrete building at the University of East Anglia which houses the CRU is named after its founder, the late Hubert Lamb, the doyen of historical climate experts. It was Professor Lamb whose most famous contribution to climatology was his documenting and naming of what he called the Medieval Warm Epoch, that glaring contradiction of modern global warming theory which his successors have devoted untold efforts to demolishing.
Hilarious. And sheeplike, Lamb's descendants claim there was no goddam warm period.
Hey, I will be out of communication till Tue morn, Vienna time.
I saw a poster with your big party while in the boonies. Boy, there's a ton of people there. Any fun?
Analysts have no fun, Tecs. You know that PDE types have hygiene issues and smoke too much. Girl analysts are kinda tough looking and seem to hang around each other than with the boys.
We had a visitor in the Inst. in number theory. Tall, lovely, blonde, Dutch. Now that was fun.
She's gone.
She would have been tasty, for sure. You may know her. She's from the Ww place you've been to recently. I'll bet you had trouble keeping your hands to yourself...
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