Friday, December 11, 2009

First bit of satisfaction

OK, so it is not true that all academic scientists are completely corrupt. Fuck, it's a start. I thought for sure that they were.



Mr roT said...

Miller grinds.

Tecumseh said...

You ever come across raccoons in the outdoor trash can at 11:30 or so at night? As soon as they're exposed by the beam of the flashlight, they turn on you with fangs and paws and let you know what follows will be a short conversation with very little talking involved.

Yep. Dead on.

Mr roT said...

I also liked the 'graf immediately preceding: Some of them are no doubt vaguely cognizant of the fact that they might have way overbet this hand and that there's now something much more important in play than the plight of the planet. And that of course would be their reputations and standing in the herd of man.

Waaaay overbet the hand.

Tecumseh said...

Next: I say we offer them a lifeline right now. Come back little Sheba. Come to Papa. You went a little nuts. We understand. Of course, now that the fever dream has broken, you, too, realize that the ups and downs of temperature are what we call "the weather."

You should try this with Pepe. Maybe he'll take the offer.