Thursday, December 03, 2009

Harvard math


Tecumseh said...

As I've been saying for eons, there is such thing as Article 3, Section 3 of the Constitution (which was not designed as a suicide pact by the Founding Fathers). But no, no, no, says Mr Rot: the First Amendment is absolute, it trumps Article 3, Section 3 no matter what.

Whatever, dude. Go back to Harvard.

Mr roT said...

Start pullin that way, Tecs, and 'bams' cops will take you to the camps.

I think the better way is probably to import some Brit and Italian hooligans to the US. They're always looking for trouble and in their opinion, Walt would be too.

Arriereros semos, puede ser que en el camino nos encontremos.

Tecumseh said...

I mean, this guy Walt is peddling propaganda for AQ and Taliban while we are at war with these guys. Isn't there a law against that? Like, an explicit article in the Constitution, for chrissakes?

Mr roT said...

Dunno, Tecs. Seems like you can say what you want in the USA.

Like many say, being legal doesn't make something right. I don't know what should be done about this kind of thing. Sure seems that it ought to stop.

Back in the old days, there were extra (and ill-) legal ways people used, I guess to keep people in line. Or perhaps it was that people weren't so fucked up a to think that legal = good.

It's licentiousness and disinterest in the common good. "Common" should mean us, these assholes think it should mean their perception of everyone's good, including our enemies.

Jeez, dunno. Rambling like AA, but less sure of myself.

Sad and despicable.

Tecumseh said...

If this guy was some kind of crank bellowing on the streets of Cambridge, I'd let it slide -- who cares. But this naked, malicious propaganda is being published in a premier journal. Is there any shame left?

Mr roT said...

"Premier" in his field is about like premier in the Warmist field. Academia is completely infected. It should be taken off life support and American students should be sent to Göttingen if they're any good.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Is Mearsheimer adjoined to this particular piece of offal? The Chicago Whore usually goes down with the Harvard John.

Mr roT said...

Mearscheimer seems to have gone in search of his own scapegoats for the time being. He'll be back when the cabal is too much for him to bear.