Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hey Tecs! You ought to fly SAS to København!

Get some appelsinjuice on your statesman-hero!


Tecumseh said...

I wish I had apple juice spilled on me by that stupid Alitalia stewardess. It was OJ, Herr Rot. OJ! I was all sweety-sticky after that, twiddling my thumbs for 5 hours at Malapensa, waiting for another @##!@#@&$ Alitalia flight. The horror of that experience is still with me, to this day.

Mr roT said...

In Danish, an appelsin is an orange. They must think oranges are Chinese apples. I guess they're right.

I guess I know you're still traumatized about this, though I was hoping you'd be over it.

You still upset about crossing over the stop line and getting a ticket?

BTW, what do you think about people that sit in their cars with the engines running?