Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Huck laughing out loud


Mr roT said...

I would have linked the preceding letter and this last one.

Herzfeld says "fatally flawed." Got dat right.

Tecumseh said...

I thought bout it, but I wanted to make sure you get the punch line -- and I figured, what the heck, you know by now to click on things, more or less.

At any rate, what a schmuck, Mr Huck. How is he gonna explain this away?

Mr roT said...

He's done. Awful story.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I admit I never liked Huckabee. I don't mean just politically, but personally.
Could never quite articulate why, exactly,to me he came across as a total jackass.
Thanks for that link. If anything pins the tail on that donkey it is a letter like that.

Mr roT said...