Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Jon Stewart honest and seething

HuffPo digs in and is mocked mercilessly.


Tecumseh said...

Jon Stewart can be funny when he wants to. HuffPo is just dreary pinko propaganda, most of the time.

Tecumseh said...

East Anglia guy moderate and reasonable (well, now that the cat is out of the bag). Perhaps, after all, the debate is shifting to saner territory? Let's hope, though I won't hold my breath on that.

Mr roT said...

Your E Anglia guy is not Mr Big though. Hulme looked less extreme in everything I saw.

Tecumseh said...

Counterpoint: pinko hog heaven to the max.

Mr roT said...

We're just stoopid. I think there's some good warming data in a bar in the Alps that I go to a lot. Also a nice hotel and a couple badass refuges have had some warming that needs investigating.

Tecumseh said...
