Monday, December 07, 2009

Kiki, a Rotten soulmate, kicks the bucket at age 146

Though advanced in age, Kiki remained "fresh" to the end. Kiki weighed 250kg and had to be moved about using a forklift. "However crushed they were by his 250kg, the females suffered his assaults without any complaint."


Mr roT said...

Where'n the hell did Kiki get his infection? I thought socialized Frenchy medicine was all about curing stuff we get when we're at it.

If not, I am staying in Austria.

Tecumseh said...

As long as the temp stays under 30 degrees Celsius. You know, the French have not yet discovered AC, so when it gets hot, you fry like in a pan. Now, I assume it's pretty cold in Parigi, so I have no real explanation why Kiki dropped dead. Maybe he was a tad long in the tooth? Or maybe he got tired from all the humping? We need a study!