Thursday, December 03, 2009

Mann bites Dog

Rats abandon ship. Any other metaphors come to mind?


Tecumseh said...

Is the media still blacking out this story? As far as I know (and I don't know much) they are.

Of course they are. Look, I traveled today to the boonies. Incidentally, to my pleasant surprise, they have now free WiFi on buses (no way one can find any kind of free WiFi in Euroland; so much for the free lunch supposedly provided by socialism). At any rate, where was I? Ah yes, I was talking to a bunch of people, and none had heard anything about Climategate, they were totally mystified by the story. So yes, if the MSM spike the story (in the grand old Pravda/Izvestyia tradition), most people won't hear about it, at least for a while.

Tecumseh said...

Your typical pinko coverage. Duhhh.

Tecumseh said...

MIT prof didn't get the memo.

Mr roT said...

Awesome stuff from NPR. Shocked.

Incidentally, man, wtf is with Europe and the Net? Is this like some kind of gag rule?