Thursday, December 10, 2009

Stimulus money hard at work

* Money for people to keep journals of their malt liquor and marijuana use ($389,357).
* Money to study the "hookup" behavior of college co-eds ($219,000), and the sex drive of rats on hard drugs ($30,000).

And on, and on. What should we add on the FCP wish list?


Arelcao Akleos said...

$200,000 for a clean VCP tab?

Tecumseh said...

Sounds promising. How do we divvy up le pognon?

Mr roT said...

Wishlist di tutti wishlist:

Bullshit do-nothing positions here.

The selection process of the Media and Communications program at the European Graduate School EGS is stringent and personal. We consider only fiercely independent and mature students who work well with a limited-residency program located in Saas-Fee, Switzerland. Our students are expected to choose their own emphasis and area of concentration as supported by their Master's and PhD thesis / project. The language of instruction is English. The European Graduate School EGS offers a uniquely dynamic academic setting that allows a creative encounter with the forefront thinkers and artists of our time.

Check this out, rubes!

Saas-Fee known as the "Pearl of the Alps," is located near the Matterhorn in Wallis (Valais) and surrounded by thirteen mountains. The village is a car-free zone and a beautiful starting point for climbing tours and skiing. A new Metro Alpine connects Saas-Fee with higher regions where skiing is possible even in the summer. The German playwright Carl Zuckmayer (Der fröhliche Weinberg, Der Hauptmann von Köpenick, Des Teufels General ) lived in Saas-Fee from 1958 to until his death in 1977.

The town has all the amenities of a first-class Swiss resort (including public swimming pool in August), and the Allalin Hotel offers our students an exceptional rate: US $110.00 a day for lodging and meals, either in hotel rooms or nearby apartments.[...] This village high in the mountains has a no-car policy, but there will be a small electrocar from the Allalin Hotel (our principal reception place, next to the EGS office) sent to the Saas-Fee bus station to meet every bus arriving from Visp / Brig between 11am and 9pm on arrival day. If you arrive earlier, the hotel is a 10-minute walk away, or use a courtesy phone across from the bus station at the tourist Information office to call the Allalin Hotel.

Weather Please be advised the weather in Saas-Fee can be rather cool in June (sometimes even in August) which is conducive to thinking. Bring a sweater or jacket for the evenings!

Eat yer livers, schmucks!

Mr roT said...

How do we divvy up le pognon?

It's all fokken mine!

Tecumseh said...

I was in Saas-Fee in the 1980s -- beautiful country, absolutely gorgeous. I could use some pognon to go back. We need to write a proposal!

Mr roT said...

Been thinking about that. Gotta say that science is subjective or something. Except global warming.

Tecumseh said...

I would love to get all warmed up in a swiss chalet in Saas Fee, while it snows outside.

Mr roT said...

Send me a draft proposal. We'll work on it together. JS wants to too.

Tecumseh said...

We need a GUT proposal. Not something pesky.