Thursday, December 17, 2009

Twitter meets arxiv

How far behind can Der Rott be?


Tecumseh said...

Musings on the meaning of life.

Mr roT said...

Top post: Al Gore invented the Net so people could pass junk science around quicker and more efficiently.

Mr roT said...

Ionads. Hmm. That like what a gerbe wants his hands on?

Why don't people just do PDE? PDE has lots of unsolved problems in it, it's challenging, and applicable.

Ionads. Jeez.

Tecumseh said...

Precisely. Something to do with ions?

As for PDEs -- aren't they just some kind of souped-up ODEs? Minsk, Pinsk.

Arelcao Akleos said...

"Gonads: an Analyzed Motion of Scatological Space" by Ricter Gross'n'slicht

Abstract: Where every Thom, Dieck & Hardy, lost in a functor, goes astray from the arrow path until no recourse is left but to categorically drown his PDEstrian sorrows in a C of sheaf.

Mr roT said...


Tecumseh said...

An ionad is just a set of points together with a finite limit-preserving comonad. Just look it up.

Mr roT said...

commode-nad? yuck.