Ah, England vs USA on da battlefields of Rustenberg. Portugal gets screwed. Italia finds its little envelopes of lira did the trick. Argentina to be eliminated in the Group round. Mexico reckons it can earn a second Cinco de Mayo.
Here are all eight groups of the 2010 FIFA World Cup:
•GROUP A- South Africa, Mexico, Uruguay, France
•GROUP B- Argentina, Nigeria, South Korea, Greece
•GROUP C- England, USA, Algeria, Slovenia
•GROUP D- Germany, Australia, Serbia, Ghana
•GROUP E- Netherlands, Denmark, Japan, Cameroon
•GROUP F- Italy, Paraguay, New Zealand, Slovakia
•GROUP G- Brazil, North Korea, Ivory Coast, Portugal
•GROUP H- Spain, Switzerland, Honduras, Chile
All the groups are boring. Never seen that before. Guess that USA can end up tops in group easy enough.
Except we have a gerbil for a manager, who is fully capable of having us end up last in that group.
The best group, from an outsider's perspective, is probably the one with Ghana, Australia, Germany and Serbia. That one could go in any direction.
Germany will win. Who cares about the rest?
Good point. In my present position, when Germany wins all their group matches 5-0, there'll be talk of Anschluss Zwei and they'll no doubt start talking about throwing out people that look like what your mom says I look like...
Mama's got a sharp eye, Rebbe Rott. No gefilting her fish.
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