Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A knuckledragger's lament

Spreading the wealth: the government is charging 2.8 percent to borrow the money and 6.8 percent to lend it to the students, and spending the difference on the new health-care bill and other programs. On a $25,000 student loan, which is an average loan, the amount the government will overcharge will average between $1,700 and $1,800.


Tecumseh said...

Mac wakes up, and starts swilling ouzo.

Mr roT said...

What are Sotomayor's extreme views? Taranto hasn't complained. Seems OTT. She's just an idiot, probably no worse than Souter.

...And we see it in the praise Mr. Obama earns from the likes of Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez. ("Too easy," you said when Palin said it.)

And the American people, in growing numbers, want to hit the reset button. Out of this a conservative victory will emerge — and a new political era will dawn.

Let's hope so. Meantime, it's the blackest night ever and I have zero faith in the voters that elected this turd.

Mr roT said...

Mac is full of shit on this one, but it is a good threat.

Tecumseh said...

Hannity has a pretty limited range; I watch him a few times a week, and he has good moments now and then, but his show is not that exciting, in good part because he's so repetitive.

Mac is trying to be relevant--I guess he's feeling JD Hayworth breathing on his neck--but it sounds like BS right now. Still, in all fairness, he sounds better lately than he did back in 2008, when he was just terribly weak, to disastrous effect. But now it's too little, too late, and rather meaningless.