Sunday, March 28, 2010

Obamamentum from HC"R" seems gone quick

So, our strengthened president thought he had earned the political capital to surrender an ally to his co-Husseins and pack commissions with communists, terrorists, random UChicago Marxist shit and further wreck the economy and intimidate business...but the gutless, bought, sewer-brothel of the US House of Reprehensibles actually is pushing back on this?
A Lagrangian for Obava.
UPDATE: Obama minion says hey, Bibi didn't really feel like ham hocks for like dinner, the kids were noisy, the camera was broken, it was windy outside, err, and you know, some of my best friends are Israel-creeps.
Another update: Some wag says Obama is Israel's disaster! Hahahah. Hell, he's America's disaster. Who cares about Israel at this point?


Tecumseh said...

Kristol: So, the verdict on Obamacare: The American people, No; Castro, Si.

Ah, but at least Fidel is not a Stalinist (we're being assured by Herr Rot). I'm feeling relieved.

Mr roT said...

Agree with me or you're Stalin, says Lord Tecs The Continent.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Thus Spake Lord Rott The Incontinent

Tecumseh said...

Rotten logic: entertain the outlandish possibility that maybe--just maybe--Castro is a Stalinsit (or at least was, in his glory days, before Communism more-or-less fell), and, well, then, this means that anyone =/= Tecs is a Stalinist. OK, boys, lets recap das Rotter Logik, in all its Pepean splendor:

(T says: C \in S) <==> (T says: (not T) => S)

All premised on the indisputable fact that T \ne C.

Mr roT said...

Stalinsit? Isn't that what I am asking AA to refrain from doing?

Mr roT said...

I like your logical diorama there, Tecs. I think you got it about right, and I am sure you know that it is a good thing to first know oneself. This is a good first step.

Tecumseh said...

Right, Herr Straman.

Tecumseh said...

It's called a typo, Herr Stramansky. When are you gonna wrap your head around the concept? It's not rocket science, I assure you. Just requires a bit of effort to grasp it.

Mr roT said...

Huffy, are we? Pay up.

Tecumseh said...

Back to something more meaningful than Herr Rot's favorite subject (stray typos): Hawaii has a bad shortage of doctors. I'm sure HC"R" will do marvels to cure that problem. Positive.