Sunday, March 28, 2010

Mac vs JD: the gap is closing

.. despite Palin trying to lift up Jean-Francois. Isn't he old enough to retire by now?


Mr roT said...

Where's the "Truther for Senate" label? Tecs, this guy is a white Van Jones.

Tecumseh said...

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Broken record.

Mr roT said...

Tecs gets a job with CNN. Gets a raise, immediately. Dozens.

Mr roT said...

Tecs, about the man-horse nuptials, I just got back from Switzerland, as you know, where a fancy restaurant had pferdeentrecote on the menu.

One of the more sublime and enlightened teachings of the Koran is that one should not fuck what one eats.

If memory serves, Mohammed's (PBUH) revealed meaning was to the effect that one should not eat the specific animal one has fucked, however leaving open to the fucker-eater ("eater-fucker" in that order is probably right out, as one would say in Ukraine) the possibility of a great deal of freedom, species-wise.

Ergo, the prohibition is to that special camel over there making it to the dinnertable, not to all camels (and evidently, as I have above mentioned, that dinner camel's other parts are to be kept from the hammock, one surmises).

I leave it to Hayworth to clarify as he further distinguishes himself in the field of moderate rhetoric and more thoroughly explains his relation to the beliefs of the Ayatollah Khomeini.

Tecumseh said...

CNN: Well, there were dozens of people out there -- where's the fallacy? Like, n*1,000=(n*1,000/12)*12. Got a problem with that equation?

Tecumseh said...

Horse-play: it's all making sense now. It does.

Mr roT said...

I neglected to mention that I am not sure what the Ayatollah taught in regards to eating the barnyard wenches of others. I will leave that to the diligent and infinitely curious eyes of AA to uncover, but the combination of bestiality, adultery, and violation of dietary law must be all the rage in the decadent quarters of Qom.

Tecumseh said...

I'm sure this has a lot to do with the Mac vs JD race.

Mr roT said...

Got to connect the dots, Tecs. Janet Napolitano has a different grading scale for believers and infidels.