Saturday, March 27, 2010

Little story keeps bubbling below the surface


Mr roT said...

Yeah,... but nothing will come of this, I think. This is the kind of political corruption that everyone thinks is a good thing.

OF course it's different when it's a real high gov't post, but meh, compared to sellouts like Stupak.

There are venial and mortal sins, Tecs. Didn't they teach you that at Harvard?

Tecumseh said...

Herr Rot, Herr Rot, you don't use Cartesian logic, just garden-variety Pepean logic. At any rate, I'll keep bringing up this story as it develops, just because you pooh-poohed it as a two-bit, everyone-does-it, dog-bites-man, what's-the-big-deal, just-move-on story. We shall see.

Tecumseh said...

Of course, Herr Rot thinks "the swamp has been drained", and that this is the most transparent, blah, blah, blah.