Saturday, March 27, 2010

Planet Pepe deeply conflicted

More inter-Pepean conflicts. That's what happens when pinko "logic" starts to implode...


Mr roT said...

Sending the bill for the bullets is not the same thing, but this is reminiscent.

Weird though, the guilty party has community property with the (surviving) victim, so the victim pays.

Almost need a CD.

Mr roT said...

BTW, Tecs, I got rid of the RCP average at the bottom because I couldn't figure out ow to make it smaller and put it in the sidebar.

I wanted to do that so that the time spent loading the thing would at least be worth it, as we would see the thing.

If this drastic arrangement is not to your liking, I will restore it immediately.

Do you like the recent slobberings?

Tecumseh said...

No problemo -- it was just an experiment. I didn't notice the thing takes so long to load, but then again, I don't use a 14K modem like you do.

Mr roT said...

Baud snob.