Thursday, March 25, 2010

Of course Tecs thinks Billo is rude

Obama has fans.


Tecumseh said...

Yes, I saw that libtard from NY last night on the O'Reilly show (just after that smug, smirky harridan explaining how free speech does not apply in Canuckia). Billo kept pressing him with a simple question (who's gonna enforce Obamacare), but the cretin would duck, cut him off, change the subject, roll his eyes, whatever -- anything but answer the damn question. Where do they come up with these ADD Pepean clones?

Mr roT said...

Guy's pretty sharp, usually. Seen him on Jon Stewart. Billo just got him on an ugly topic for him.

Didn't lie well even.

Mr roT said...

Smirky harridan, Tecs? You going onto that red-on-red ever since you got huffy at Palin...

Tecumseh said...

What's wrong with smirky harridan?

Sharp libtard?? He seemed like a totally smug, standard-issue pinko to me. Ugly topic? That's what these guys have been baking for us, so why not face up to it?

Mr roT said...

Ann Coulter is no harridan. She's an angel.

I mean that Billo asked a very uncomfortable question. I am not excusing Weiner. He was quite offensive on the House floor and I don't think we need that shit.

Also, I have speak on his own terms and no one would call him a retard. Guy's sharp.

Tecumseh said...

Harridan: I wasn't talking about Ann Coulter. Rather, than Canuck woman who was dissing her. Can't you remember your 12 threads on the subject?

Weiner: He's a dickhead^2--kind of NYC version of Grayson. But sharp? Any dickead can look sharp by smirking, snarking, rolling his eyes, and bullshitting. But he's still a putz, and he still ain't sayin' nuttin'.

Mr roT said...

OK, but I think of a harridan as being of Irish descent, not like the one screaming in identical post #12.

See Weiner on Jon Stewart's show. He's pretty sharp. I think Grayson is pretty smart too. I think he went to Harvard, Tecs.


Arelcao Akleos said...

What is "smart"? Knowing that you are hawking a line of gilded bullcrap, recognizing that you have met someone who sees through that speckle of gild to the steaming pile of dung your slogging, and so you push the "engage cloud of sneers and twirligig of facial features" 'scape-this-guy-zippo button?
In that case every fuckin' Chicago Rulz dickhead is a real Smart guy.
Barbie? Rahmy? Billy? Byrdy? Joey? Alcee? Mikey? Barney? Nancy? Of course, Barry? All the Pepe's of da Red Aristocracy? Yeah, real Smart guys.

Mr roT said...

Guy's from Long Island somewhere.

Mr roT said...

He's much sharper than Obama. He has a real wit instead os some fake cool act. If you had Weiner in your class, you'd want to kick him, but you'd admire him too.

He's like a Palin of the left. Annoying to those on the wrong side, but you can tell there's something in there working.

And like Billo caught him with the dirty laundry out in the front yard, he dropped the ball just like Palin did when she was unprepared.

Bluff! Get me outta here; you're lying.