Thursday, September 30, 2010
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Threshering Da Whitey
The Duke rides to the rescue

Aahh, the memories. I bumped into him a few days ago at the chow line. He's still kicking--barely. Sometimes he nods to me, but this time he didn't. My ego is bruised.
[Added illus. showing new confluence of technocrat political savvy. --roT]
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Of course, that's the terminology Rot would use when referring to a convicted terrorist. It's the logical corollary of the "Article 3 Section 3 never applies" axiom in Rotter Calculus.
Binnie gals,
Pussy Eye for the Qaeda Guy
Friday, September 24, 2010
Death By Harvard is a FootNote for The Ages
Planet Rot deeply conflicted
Hey, I thought a bona-fide Rotter never uses the "H-bomb", as per Mac's injunction. Que pasa? [Of course, I'm stealing this story from Mr T, who evidently didn't get it from der Rotter himself, since the latter is not at the bottom of Mr T's list.]
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Uncle Ho is trying to grab Rotter's seat!

Satisfying Pepe's itch to mollify
WE OWN YOU!!!, and we will spit on your grave, says someone not impressed with Pepean groveling.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Of course, Rot thinks Rove is a bumbling idiot
More: Kraut tries to explain to Herr Rot the difference between rational and irrational. But Rot only digs \lessims, so that makes no sense to him.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
But, didn't he lust in his heart? According to Christine, that's a no-no, unless you dabble into witchcraft. And, at least, Jimmah only tried to micro-manage the scheduling of tennis courts...
I'm starting to like this guy.
C'mon, Tecs! We can't deport everyone that has a funny name.
Meanwhile, the racists make new gains.
Meanwhile, the racists make new gains.
...Karl Rove would be a supporter now!
Pretty good line. I would say it's better than "throw them out at 28,000 ft and try them on the ground."
In fact, it's much better.
In fact, it's much better.
Stalin denationalizes beauty parlors
OK, joking aside, this is one of the few George F Will pieces that's this good. And it is good.
Deeply, deeply wrong. Enjoy.
The insane have achieved political respectability while the sane act too good for it all. The irrational celebrate while the rational act bored and above-it-all.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Why Rot is eating wienerschnitzels
.. instead of tacos con carne: he'd rather pay 50% in taxes than 35%.
Of course, Rot thinks Kraut and Rove are retards
Counterpoint: Contra-Rover makes his case. OK, perhaps, but still: can't we really come up with someone better than Christine? It's all Rot's fault, of course.
We are in good hands
Rot ululates: "I really do think he's the best soldier in our battalion, hands down," said Spc. Arnold Mendez, a friend of Klawonn's.
Of course, Rot thinks Newt is a dummy
“The passengers immediately split into two groups. The liberals began yelling, ‘You’re not allowed to smoke on an airplane.’ The conservatives said, ‘It’s clearly a terrorist, we’re throwing you out at 28,000 feet, we’ll try you on the ground.’” Mais non, mais non, says Rot. We gotta read Abdul his Miranda rights first.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
We Have A Winner!

Bronze Medal: That nifty lad Adolf and his frying machines. A gamer who gave all he had, frothing with effort right to the bitter end.
Silver Medal: Joe "Papa" Steel. He was big, he was tough, excellently mustachioed, and he could gulag down a river of blood without blinking an eye. Oh so close to eternal Pepean greatness.
Gold Medal: Da Winner! Captain Yangtze! The True Mau Mau!. The ManDrake of Heaven! Emperor Bilious hisself. The One, The Only, Mao Ze Dooooooooooooooong!
Not a one Obama would not bow to. Three pure quality gents for the World of Pepe we live in.
Jim DeMint vs Herr Rot
Tom Coburn piles up on Rot's sweetheart.
REGURGE an ignored old post, just to give Rot some heartburn. While at it, an update.
REGURGE an ignored old post, just to give Rot some heartburn. While at it, an update.
Going halal
Too much information: The rules state that the throat must be cut with one rapid, uninterrupted movement of the knife. Both carotid arteries and both jugular veins must be severed. ... But research has shown that some calves remain brain-responsive for up to two minutes. This is because the carotid arteries can contract after the cut has been made, effectively sealing the severed ends and maintaining blood pressure in the brain.
Article 3, Section 3 never applies, says Rot
Tecs out to the left of Mickey Kaus

Deport this guy too.
REGURGE: The view from Taiwan.
[ADD pic of my look-alike on a bike -- Tecs]
California's tax dollars hard at work
The Orange County Board of Supervisors gave away 4.3 million dollars to an illegal Mexican alien who is also a child molester. Ulululululu, says Rot.
Soon they'll pay millions to the Paraguay jailbirds, too. It's all Monopoly money, after all.
Soon they'll pay millions to the Paraguay jailbirds, too. It's all Monopoly money, after all.
Friday, September 17, 2010
Unfailingly great cerebellum Rushithead brings excellence to broadcasting, yet again
Bears? Heads? 3? Courthouse?
Mais où sont les neiges d'antan?
The middle-class father, preparing to meet tuition fees of $40,000 or more, and board and lodging on top of that, will naturally dwell on all the ways in which this represents a good investment. But when his daughter emerges three or four years later with a degree in Women's Studies, the main outward sign of which is a well-honed grievance against men in general and the last one in particular, he is likely to question the wisdom of throwing away a third of a million dollars on such an outcome. You don't say.
A boondoggle to warm Rot's heart
Free tuition for 2 million illegal aliens? Why, that's manna from heaven!
Meet the new Sushi Dept. Secretary!
Something to cheer Tecs up. Guess what? She can help you get your faulty \LaTeX code running too, Tecs!
Darkness at High Noon
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Now Pepe is pining for Dick Cheney
Neither has Obama ended the ban on openly gay men and women serving in the military. He continues to oppose same-sex marriage, while Dick Cheney backs it.
Of course, Tecs likes reactive, scattershot approaches
After suffering a massive repudiation in November, will Mr. Obama continue down this road of attacks, recriminations and self-pity?
Oh, Tecs wishes there were more self-pity in politics, like good old Rushbo, and the orange juice thing, and the cellphones...
Oh, Tecs wishes there were more self-pity in politics, like good old Rushbo, and the orange juice thing, and the cellphones...
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Your typical Rotter candidate

REGURGE: Rot's deliberate backlash meme makes it to the punditry. When was the last time that Tecs said something that later came to pass? Hmm, maybe when he started pullin for Obama because he was Harvard material, after all. Hell, Law Review!...
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Crónica de una crack - up rosa anunciada
Bayrische Krustenbraten
Of course Tecs is waiting impatiently for the haricots verts to come into season in Paris.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Hey, Tecs! Your compatridiot named after two (2) Roman emperors won't show up till the last minute! I say deport! You?
Pinko repentance? Perish the thought
Consider the case of China, which at the height of communism was the only country in the world to have a GDP per capita lower than it did in 1000 AD. A teensy, tiny clue there, wouldn’t you say, to suggest that maybe state-enforced egalitarianism, Big Government, and other Leftist sacred cows bring only poverty and misery? Mais non, mais non, says Pepe. Dees ees absoord.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
An interesting swap. Biden at the WTC, Obama at the Pentagon, and Michelle-Laura in PA.
Ya think Obama's scared of New Yorkers?
Ya think Obama's scared of New Yorkers?
Saturday, September 11, 2010
McCarthy Clobbers Rotter's Happy Campy 9/11
How to run an underground cable
Let them in, let them in!
The prisoners, mainly cartel members, climbed over a prison fence in the border city of Reynosa, across from McAllen, Texas. Rot desperately wants them in TX. Anything less would be Honeckerian.
Hey Tecs! No more OJ in your lap!
In fact, no more lap! Enjoy your flight, cheapskate! See you in Auckland! I hope they allow cellphone use.
Pauvre France
The survey contradicts another one done six month ago, which found 40 per cent of French men thought they were the best lovers, and the most intelligent and the funniest men in Europe. Mais bien sur.
Rott's Fave Man of Steel Does The Pussy Thing
Friday, September 10, 2010
Crushed by a giant hay bale
When your time is up, it's up.
UPDATE: In other news.
UPDATE: In other news.
another one bites the dust,
bale and wire
Dirge for the dinosaur media
I used to watch ABC quite a lot in the old days, but must have stopped completely sometimes in Y2K. Way to run a once great company into the ground...
Thursday, September 09, 2010
Why Rot dances the macarena
There are lots of cues females use when choosing a mate, like a peacock puffing out its tail. Dancing for humans could signal whether a male is fit because it requires the expenditure of a lot of energy. Rot's specialty.
Even Biden gets it right while Tecs and AA pine for Kerry
Time to buy some VCP, you faithless Roves.
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
And Tecs wants France to build our refueling aircraft
It's transitivity, Tecs, right? Maybe the Russians will ask us to build something for us, eventually. Trickle-around economics! That's it. The Russkies probably want to ditch the vacuum tubes about now, so let's sell them a spy satellite! Great! Peachy! Tecsonomics at work!
Repost since you rubes didn't catch hold on try #1
Fatal credibility problems. You know who that is....
Pepe getting a tad nervous?
But not Rot, who notes that the hoi polloi want “easy solutions” — like trying to close an open border, cut federal spending, and balance the budget. Instead, they should be manning up to pay more for gas, more in taxes, and more for entitlements for more to come across the border.
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
The Beeb stumped
Why didn't anyone think of this: the Democrats’ low poll numbers are self-inflicted because they are not explaining the policies that helped turn the economy around.
AA and Tecs call Petraeus 'Betray Us' again
...first time was when you two were pullin for Kerry, of course.
Monday, September 06, 2010
Real phones vs gimmicky brain-fryers

beam me up Rotty,
nokia fryin' my brain
In praise of academia
Doubt any of that, and that laid-back elbow-patched joking prof who told the class “Call me Bill,” in a flash, Gollum like, turned into a snarling jackal, screaming, “I am Doctor Jones, with important publications on climate change and a doctorate from Berkeley! How dare you question me!”
Meanwhile Tecs blames McCain and Palin for all this
...all the while praising Obama for his calm, statesmanlike demeanor.
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Rot in France
Les personnes sont interpellées, leur identité est vérifiée, on leur propose de l'argent pour retourner dans leur pays d'origine: j'aimerais bien qu'on m'explique quel est le lien avec les rafles de la seconde guerre mondiale, asks Pepe. Rot gets on the barricades, denouncing Sarko as Honecker reincarnated. Opera buffa to the max.
Better than Iowahawk??
Orig. Now, of course Jimmy Breslin is parodying himself, and perhaps unconsciously, but should it matter? I mean, I like the Plathian weather as much as anyone, but the gravedigger's dirt thing got me to the point that I didn't know whether to roll my eyes or laugh like hell.
Of course, Rot thinks this inappropriate
Young Turks chomping at the bit. But Rot thinks we should rely on the Old Bulls, like McCain.
Saturday, September 04, 2010
Lighten up a bit, Tecs! It's a joke!!
UPDATE: Chickenshit New York Times and readers weigh in. Especially the doped feely comments are entertaining this time. About like Zakaria.
Deep thinker debunks everything!
Hey, so what about Japan and Germany and the USSR? They're all pussies.
The new business plan
But, but--if the stewardesses are gonna fly the plane, who's gonna spill the OJ on unsuspecting passengers?
Friday, September 03, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Of course, Tecs would rather Florida have a Dem governor, just like peachy keen Massachusetts. Can't play that identity politics stuff, oh, no!
Rot takes resolute action
Forget about Edgar "La Barbie" Valdez and the like. The real danger life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is Sheriff Arpaio: "The actions of the sheriff's office are unprecedented," said Thomas Perez, assistant attorney general for the department's civil rights division. "It is unfortunate that the department was forced to resort to litigation to gain access to public documents and facilities."
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Joys of jizya
Speaking at a ceremony in Rome while standing next to Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's prime minister, Col Gaddafi, 67, said that unless his request for money was met, Europe would otherwise become "another Africa" as a result of the "advance of millions of immigrants".
To which Herr Rott says: no problemo! Open the borders, and let anyone who wants to come in, do so. Just like in Arizona. And it saves a cool €5 billion on the jizya, as a bonus. A win-win solution.
To which Herr Rott says: no problemo! Open the borders, and let anyone who wants to come in, do so. Just like in Arizona. And it saves a cool €5 billion on the jizya, as a bonus. A win-win solution.
Bottom story of the day

Ain't it a shame: The 25 year-old, who grew up in the constituency and studied History at Durham University, was appointed as a Special Adviser at the Foreign Office in May but only took up his post in July after finishing a Graduate Diploma in Law at Leeds. His junior “research and support” position earns him £30,000 a year but Mr Hague faced criticism because he already had two special advisers.
Seethe, Tecs! Seethe!
Check the last 'graf. It you're too bummed out by this obvious news, maybe this will help.
Tecs likes them mellifluous and tame, like Scott Brown
Sarah Palin is attractive partly because she lives such a dangerous life -- flying solo, taking fire. Female liberals can't ever live dangerous lives like this in their cushy think-tanks and nicely taken care of by the still-mostly-male establishment that will see to it they always have a job, somewhere.
Dangerous Ted.
Dangerous Ted.
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