Sunday, June 10, 2012

This day in history: Italian torpedo boats sink Hungarian dreadnought

Youtube moment. In other news: can you guys parallel park like this? Try it, man, try it!


Mr roT said...

Horror on the ship. Damn, poor men.

Tecumseh said...

I had no idea there was a Hungarian Navy at some point, let alone that they had a dreadnought. Spent most of the war safely tucked away in the harbor. First time they venture out -- boom, hit by (Italian!) torpedoes. There you go..

Mr roT said...

St Stephen no less. Come here and I will show you Stephansdom.

Tecumseh said...

Doesn't look too bad.

Do they have wienerschnitzel mit bratkartoffeln around there?

Mr roT said...

Better to stick to the Bourguignonne.

Tecumseh said...

Actually, I had escargots, and then magret de canard this evening. Le tout arrosé d'un vin rouge quite good, and then some chocolaty confection and a glass of desert white wine. Man, oh man, that was good. Why don't you get outta schnitzel land, and try Charlie grub, for a change?

Charly said...

Careful Tecs: you eat escargots and the next thing you know you'll be in drag, singing l'Internationale on Harvard Square.

Tecumseh said...

Hah! That will be the day!

Tecumseh said...

Careful, Charly: you eat this bacon sundae and next thing you know, you'll wave the Gadsden flag at Tea Party rallies.

Charly said...

The lovely people in the fast food industry feeding America one heart attack at a time.

Mr roT said...

Ooh, Messers Pissy-pissy! I saw a bacon sundae on a menu at a high-dollar Frenchy place in Boston last year.

Get your coronary snobberies back in the roughage bin where they belong: eventually in a toilet full of diarrhea.