Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Hollywood outflanks AA out right.

roT ululates.


Arelcao Akleos said...

We've got two "stars", a Phag and an actress who played a girl rooming with a Phag.
Hey, we get Tom Cruise and we'll have a Phagocyte.

Mr roT said...

Plus we have a raging rightwinger, AA, which lacks continence. May he find continence whether need to soften or harden his stool of thought.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Continence is the last refuge of the de-cyte-ful.

Mr roT said...

Have you lost some of your cytoplasm or are you agreeing with my memory in stating that you're a parasite? I think if we did the accounting carefully one of these days, we'd find that I owe you a fortune and Tecs would owe us even more.

I have never witnessed that guy pay anything anywhere, much less beer for starving grad students in his apparently penniless but actually filthy rich department and he's a big, fat tenured full prof with apparently no emergency whiskey expenses to pay.

Perhaps I have missed something, but this guy Tecs has no expenses at all. The proof I suggest is this: Next time you're at a beer joint, I suggest that you propose that he pick up his share. I predict that he will remind you of how awful Communism was and that you're a Marxist black wannabe dreaming of an ideal welfare state for himself in your askin' for a damn beer.

That's what I predict. If anyone has evidence to the contrary, or if Tecs himself has a convincing argument to the contrary, then I am more than willing to eat my words and forgive some of Tecs' titanic VCP debt to me.

Mr roT said...

I forgot unfortunately to mention that this point Tecs will point out the singular genius of Mary Coanda or some other farcical sounding but apparently just unknown-by-normals real figure that according to Tecs invented the gas grill or something.

No, friends. It was neither Click nor Clack, the Tappet brothers. That's news to me and I am also convinced that they are the true discoverers of the jet engine long before they were NPR employes like other Harvard - variety Cambridge residents of standard treasonous type IIIA.

Tecumseh said...

Are you talking to moi? Now, now, now, how on Earth have you jumped to the conclusion that I'm a penny-pincher? I don't see the diagram commuting here.

Tecumseh said...

As for Henri Marie, not only did he invent the gas grill, but he also perfected the mechanical fan--you know, the gizmo that tends to be hit by stuff.

Mr roT said...

Like when I got my first theorem on the last day before the graduate school would throw me out to dig ditches for the university's physical plant?
The stuff nearly hit Coanda's gigantic leap forward in the science of barely keeping cool in already cool climes was a major leap in the basic sciences, but he had no close calls other that time when he attempted to make a hybrid of his jet aeroplane and his gas grill.
He nearly barbecued his arse, if memory serves. In Bucharest, they put a bbq joint in homage to the great man, built on the remaining pieces of the foundation of the building in which Hairy Marie made the first Romanian super-collider.
I think we should switch to something we can all agree on, like Paulina Porizkova. I hope you don't go bananas about this like the time I mentioned my admiration for Nadia Comăneci to a Romanian super Soviet-hater at our institution of higher indoctrination. She's a super-pretty woman, even now at \approx 206 yrs. old. Take that, Olga Korbutt, you other, much less beautiful Stalinist tool!

Tecumseh said...

I hope you don't go bananas about this like the time I mentioned my admiration for Nadia Comăneci...

What did I say at the time? I forget, but let me guess: that I'm sick and tired of people who only know about her and Ceausescu, as being from Romania?

Mr roT said...

Perhaps it was not you, but when I mentioned my eternal adoration for NC, some Romanian, I still suspect it you, despite your protestations, in our the Dept. went monkeyshit, i.e. bananas, saying that NC was a tool Stalin's.
I still think it was you and you're railing like an incontinent, degree 8.
I think I missed your howling about the Ceaucescu, sadly. The Longshoreman talked horrifyingly about commies walking into his school en masse. This scared the shit out of me. I respect your hatred of those barbaric murderous bastards.

Tecumseh said...

Herr Rott, Herr Rott (said in a guttural Russian-accented English), your memory is playing tricks on you. I never said Nadia Comaneci was a commie tool. My only beef with her was that she had been over-exposed at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, to the extent that people on this side of the pond would think only of her when thinking at all about that dinky country whose capital is either Budapest or Bucharest, whatever. Instead of thinking of, eg, Henri Marie.

Life is a bitch, I'm telling ya.