Saturday, May 03, 2008

Perils of the transcendentals

I'll stick to the rationals.


Mr roT said...

Interesting piece for the politics but very shallow in terms of the religion. Hasn't he ever heard of the Roman Empire? Christianity was the religion of slaves. Nietzsche wrote about this and for that rejected Christianity.

BTW, these ideas are very interesting as they played themselves out in the big fight Wagner and Nietzsche had over Parsifal.

Tecumseh said...

So what did those Krauts fight about?

Mr roT said...

Steyn today has his timeliness knocked off by his newspaper arrangements, but he manages to put something new in all this.

I had not heard of Michelle's idiotic non sequitur.

Mr roT said...

AI,AI,AI, I am not spyecialeest..