Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pinko attack machine

The hypocrisy is breathtaking. But of course, this is how pinko politics is always being played. And McCain is like a deer caught in the headlights.


Pepe le Pew said...

If we learned anything from rove, it's that whatever gets you where you want to go is fine. I don't remember you being too indignant at the time of the swift boat...

Tecumseh said...

All those dark mumblings and innuendo about Karl Rove are just bullshit -- what exactly did he do in his public career that was in any way non-ethical, except pissing off the pinkos by helping their poster boys lose their electoral bids? As for the Swift boat veterans who exposed Kerry's lies about his Vietnam record -- again, what exactly did they say that was not correct? Kerry just bitched and moaned and whined, but he never rebutted the charges.

So, Pepe, spare us the urban legends of the deluded Left. If you have something to say, present facts, not bullshit.

Pepe le Pew said...

there are so many, it's like shooting fish in a barrel. Start with McCain in NC in the '00 election.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Le Pew, "Swift Boat" accurately refers to charges that someone has massively lied about some important issue in his past, particularly an issue where the lie has been used to advance the career of the individual. And these charges have strong evidence behind them, including many eyewitnesses, and the object of those charges is left floundering and blustering hoping his allies in the Media can bury this unpleasantness as quickly as possible.
Now you are referring to "dirty tricks", and, heck, they go back to before even I was born. This includes not only Nixonian espionage on the opposition, but good ol' grandaddies such as fabricting out of whole cloth massive lies about your opponent and trusting your allies in the Media, the inertia of the sheer mass of the lie, and the brevity of time to election day, to stampede the rubes in your direction. This is a technique already thriving in the 19th Century.
Karl Rove is a relative putz at these games. Not even qualified to spitshine Slick Willy's shoes, in truth.

Pepe le Pew said...

no argument here: i didn't mean to imply that borgia learned from rove. I just find it entertaining that ai acts offended when a democrat plays the same political game that everyone else does. Presumably he'd want to left to wallow in its role as a punching bag (a role that the dems have excelled at), and get hot flashes when they fight back. The reality is barack should use every trick in the book because the republicans sure as hell will.

Arelcao Akleos said...

I guess this was AI's point. AI knows that the Obamites will play as hard a hardball as necessary. We agree that's oldhat, and to be expected from most who run for office. I think AI is worried that McCain is a little like Dole was. Long used to the "collegiality" of the Senate and not having the guts for playing the hardball game. He's afraid, I believe, that McCain is a pussy when it comes to political fighting, and will get badly rolled.
In this case, I agree with AI. I do agree with you that quite a few Republicans would want to fight full fire with full fire, and some may try to do so within their own locale. But I agree with AI that McCain seems to be quaintly naive, or naively moralistic, or addlepated, or sumpin', and has given full license to campaign managers that seem more intent on quashing uppity Republicans than Obama. He seems genuinely surprised that his Mr. Nice Guy gestures now earn him mockery from the press, as compared to the good ol' days when he was Mr. Maverick.
Damn I wish McCain had won over Bush in 2000, and made this current "zungzwanged on all fronts" nightmare of a chess match simply the stuff of horror novels.

Tecumseh said...

Speaking of the Pinko Attack Machine, how about Newsweek? Even Pravda in its heyday would have blushed at carrying water in such an obvious fashion for its candidate (Brezhnev instead of Obama). Redefining down chutzpah?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Ah, yes, the JOOS are going to be bete noire for ol Obama. If Lieberman is the Left Hand of Satan, that would naturally cast his friend McCain as the Right Hand of Satan.
Hardball indeed.

Tecumseh said...

Pretty obvious. Still, Obama is gonna carry the liberal Jewish vote no matter what. The pinko instinct is stronger even than the survival instinct.

Tecumseh said...

How about this pinko ad, playing the theme song from "The Sopranos"? Ah, let the boys be boys, says Pepe.