Friday, June 27, 2008

Strange Brew....

First time I'd heard of this. Had you heard this before?

Anyway, here is the abstract from the the Astro&Space Sci. article. Certainly not the usual place to see "crank" science.
"Abstract A red rain phenomenon occurred in Kerala, India starting from 25th July 2001, in which the rainwater appeared coloured in various localized places that are spread over a few hundred kilometers in Kerala. Maximum cases were reported during the first 10 days and isolated cases were found to occur for about 2 months. The striking red colouration of the rainwater was found to be due to the suspension of microscopic red particles having the appearance of biological cells. These particles have no similarity with usual desert dust. An estimated minimum quantity of 50,000 kg of red particles has fallen from the sky through red rain. An analysis of this strange phenomenon further shows that the conventional atmospheric transport processes like dust storms etc. cannot explain this phenomenon. The electron microscopic study of the red particles shows fine cell structure indicating their biological cell like nature. EDAX analysis shows that the major elements present in these cell like particles are carbon and oxygen. Strangely, a test for DNA using Ethidium Bromide dye fluorescence technique indicates absence of DNA in these cells. In the context of a suspected link between a meteor airburst event and the red rain, the possibility for the extraterrestrial origin of these particles from cometary fragments is discussed.


Mr roT said...

Where's the DNA? They published without looking for DNA?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Did you read the abstract of their actual paper? I pasted it to the post. Anyway, it had this line:
" Strangely, a test for DNA using Ethidium Bromide dye fluorescence technique indicates absence of DNA in these cells"

Arelcao Akleos said...

I have a pdf of their paper now, and will read to see more details on what did or did not appear as to regards DNA.

Mr roT said...

Thanks. Also, DNA is not necessary for life, but RNA probably is.

Arelcao Akleos said...

OK, JJ, the paper had this on the issue:

"9 Test for DNA and RNA
The test for the DNA and RNA is performed by spectrofluorimetric technique using
ethidium bromide fluorescent dye. This dye has the property of greatly enhancing its
fluorescence emission in the presence of DNA or RNA. For performing the test the cells
were centrifuged out and were well crushed in a mortar for exposing the inner contents
of the cells to the dye solution. 100 μL of this crushed cell suspension was added
to 5 ml of ethidium bromide stock solution. Fluorescence emission of this mixture
at 600 nm was recorded using spectrofluorimeter (RF-5301 PC, Shimadzu) using an
excitation wavelength 530 nm. This spectrum (Fig. 15b) does not show an enhanced
fluorescence in comparison with the pure ethidium bromide solution (Fig. 15a), thus
indicating the absence of DNA or RNA. This experiment was repeated after grinding
the cells in liquid nitrogen to further ensure the cracking of cells. This also shows no
enhancement in fluorescence. Similar experiments when performed on a suspension of
yeast cells (quantity 100 μL) showed greatly enhanced fluorescence effect indicating
the presence of DNA (Fig.15c). Similarly other DNA containing plant materials also
caused enhanced fluorescence confirming the validity of the test."

Arelcao Akleos said...

The elemental composition is interesting:

8 Elemental analysis using EDAX and CHN analyzer
The elemental composition of the red particles was determined using the SEM attached
with the energy-dispersive X-ray analyzer system (EDAX)

Element Wt % Atomic % Standards
C 49.53 57.83 CaCO3
O 45.42 39.82 Quartz
Na 0.69 0.42 Albite
Al 0.41 0.21 Al2O3
Si 2.85 1.42 Quartz
Cl 0.12 0.05 KCl
Fe 0.97 0.24 Fe
Table 1: Elemental composition of red cells by EDAX analysis
microscope). The microscope was operated at an acceleration voltage of 9.7 KeV and
in the magnification between 5000 and 8000. X-ray spectrum was recorded from an
area that circumscribe the specimen. The EDAX spectrum of the red particle is shown
in figure 14 and table 1 shows the percentage composition of the detected elements.
The major constituents of the red particles are carbon and oxygen.

Arelcao Akleos said...

Their paper has a number of images of the interior of these things.They sure do look like cells, except ones with no nucleus.....
Rna or Dna are needed for life on earth today...even [parasitically] for pseudo-life such as viruses. (can you think of any exceptions?)
Whatever these red cells are, they are.....strange as hell.

Mr roT said...

weird. mail it to the meli ?

Arelcao Akleos said...

Sure, JJ. Do have the meli's e-mail?