Saturday, June 28, 2008

So nice to hear

..but let's hope McCain doesn't offend the Southern Baptists, right, AI?


Mr roT said...

Best comment:OH MY GOD….I can not believe he said this !!!!!!! He is not showing any respect for a former President. AND….he does not have any tact.
HE IS NOT PRESIDENTIAL MATERIAL !!!!!!!!!!!!! His lack of respect and tact will probably get the country into BIG trouble someday. Once again, this shows that Obama is BEST for our country. GO OBAMA !!!!

Mr roT said...

And: Gosh, that takes balls-calling Carter lousy after what we have put up with in the current administration, and what McCain plans to continue should America be duped again! Carter kept us out of war, actually felt the pain of the poor, and is a genuine Christian. In my book, he goes to heaven, and the rest of the Washington bozos, not likely!

Tecumseh said...

Hmmm... Is McCain waking up, JJ? So OK, that was a good jibe at Mr. Peanut, but a sparrow does not make the Spring (an old Romanian proverb). He needs to punch more, in a more sustained way. Tying Obama to Carter sounds like a plausible thing to do. But he needs to make the connection more substantial, otherwise it's like shooting fish in a barrel with Carter's record.

Comments are from Pepe?

Mr roT said...

I think the first one was ironic, the second one moronic