Monday, October 13, 2008

JJ's Filter?

P.J. O'Rourke once said that up until a 3am drinking binge will he only start sounding like a sober Ann Coulter does at 3 in the afternoon. How will JJ communicate on FCP if the Mail Goggles start up with the math questions? Or I should ask: JJ, how are you with simple equations after two cases of VCP?


Tecumseh said...

Hey, MFT, didn't I post this story about a week ago? We even had a discussion on the double angle formula to go with it. But hey, it's a good story, and you have a good pic of JJ lying on the floor there. Still, you owe me a 6-pack of Sam, I'd say.

My Frontier Thesis said...

Yes, put me down in the book for MFT owes AI a Sam Sixer.

My only defense is that all last week I was locating stone circle tipi rings (pretty cool: Natives used to line the edges of their tipis with stones; these rings are still found all across the virgin prairie today) in northwestern Dakota, and therefore I was out of internet range. Damn. I figured someone would have put the story up, but that's the gamble one takes when dipping in and out of FCP.