Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Vrag naroda
But of course. As always, Planet Pepe goes by the book.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hero of Planet Pepe

O J Ahmadinejad
We're the aggressors we've been waiting for!
Guilty of treason!
And as I watched the deniers make their arguments, I couldn’t help thinking that I was watching a form of treason — treason against the planet. To fully appreciate the irresponsibility and immorality of climate-change denial, you need to know about the grim turn taken by the latest climate research.
Get the re-education camps ready. The Enemies of the People must be stamped out.
Give Chávez credit
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Another obit to feel good about
The Decline of the West
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Marg Bar Amrika!, Marg Bar Israel!, Marg Bar Ingilis!
Well, now the Ayatollah has the Anglo-American Master of Recall to deal with.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Because In Qom There Ain't No Bullshit About Islam

No more pretence before the infidels, for today no Hudna nor Taqiyya, just straightforward and ruthless application of the fundamental truth of Islam: it is a religion of the Savage.
"Khatami, a member of the Assembly of Experts, said the judiciary should charge the leading "rioters" as "mohareb" or one who wages war against God.
"They should be punished ruthlessly and savagely," he said. Under Iran's Islamic law, punishment for people convicted as "mohareb" is execution.
Not that they need fear the torpid dhimmis of the West are forewarned by hearing the truth: the stupidity of Pepetonia is as invincible as it will prove fatal.
A Pepe Tree Grows In Dearborn
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Washing Sanford in the Atlantic
Sanford the Tit-man
Not an arsemaven. Fail.
Souter is right and Thomas is wrong
The Farce News Agency.
American Police State Brings the Hammer Down on NYC Laissez Faire Entrepreneur
America getting too free market liberal for your fellow religious frogs, Pepe? Then again, I hear Times Square has been Disney-fied by MTV teenie boppers for at least a couple decades, the filth of humanity cleaned up long ago by Mayor Rudy.
So, lemme get this straight

last week, Ensign, this week sanford. then, there was vitter, mark foley, larry craig, gingrich, giuliani, bob livingston, Henry Hyde, Jim West, bob barr...
[Added Illus. -- roT]
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
A Bad Day to Rot
Scooping Yahoo!'s AP Wire
Pepe, answer this one
Men 101
N. Korea Consultations...

Since I'm in the consulting business, I thought I'd pass along this bit of Korean consulting news. The South Koreans want to get together with the Russian Bear, the Japanese Samauri, the Chinese Monolith, and us Yanks for, ah, a "consultation" on North Korea. I'm willing to host it in my flat in the center of North America. What should I prepare?
Note: the pic is of the North Korean -- ahem -- Friendship Wall. For some reason it appears as though the gate keeper is winking at us?
The Feminine of Iran

The Iranian clerics know that women pose a profound threat to their authority: As activist Ladan Boroumand has written, the regime would not bother to use brutal forms of repression against dissidents unless it feared them deeply. Nobody would have murdered a young woman in blue jeans—a peaceful, unarmed demonstrator—unless her mere presence on the street presented a dire threat.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
La planète Pepe, Putain Socialiste, était toujours un Baiseur d'Homme
"Ainsi cette note ultraconfidentielle du 2 mai 1966 qu'on lui recommande de détruire : "En Guadeloupe, votre politique doit tendre d'une part à dresser l'un contre l'autre le communisme et l'autonomisme et, d'autre part, à séparer les socialistes en deux formations, le parti socialiste gaulliste et le parti socialiste classique ; les tenants du premier bénéficiant de votre appui, les autres étant livrés à leur impuissance." "
Good news!
Monday, June 22, 2009
Ditch that Nokia phone
CBS misses Obama's memo
Tecs' Fruity Icon on Iran
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Planet Pepe Pisses On the First Amendment

Apparently it gets boring pissing only on the second, fourth, and 13th amendments. Gotta get that Sharia in before Le Pew's dotage starts snapping at his Bleu nethers. Now, if this ends up at the Supreme Court, it will be fascinating to see how openly its Socialist thugs will strike against the Bill of Rights. Do they judge freedom right for the fall? Does the stench of tyranny linger sweetly in their nostrils? Only Pepe knows.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Another pinko prays for Obama to have courage
How many shocks in one piece?
Another whisper: “Where are you from?” When I say the United States, he says: “Please give our regards to freedom.”
At the end of the day, even Obama's scrotum gets Cohen's attention, but with a kick there.
I would put him still among the 6%, nut at least an Israeli and not an Iranian imam.
Tehran Wanting Out of Planet Pepe

"At Ahmadinejad's "victory" ceremony, government buses transported all his supporters from nearby cities. There was full TV coverage of that ceremony, where fruit juice and cake were plentiful. At most, 100,000 gathered to hear his speech, including all the militiamen and soldiers.
We reformists have no radio, no newspaper, and no television. All our Internet sites are filtered, as well as social networks such as Facebook. Text messaging and mobile communication were also cut off during the demonstrations. And yet we had hundreds of thousands, if not millions.
The state-run TV station has announced that riot police will severely punish anybody that demonstrates. Ahmadinejad called the opposition a bunch of insignificant dirt who try to make the taste of victory bitter to the nation. But his remark was answered by the largest demonstrations ever.
Older people compared Monday's gathering to the demonstrations of 1979 which marked the downfall of the Shah's regime. They even said that this event was larger.
Democracy is a long way ahead. I may not be alive to see that day. With eyes full of tears in these early hours of June 16, I glorify the courage of those who have already been killed. I hope that the blood of these martyrs will make every one of us more committed to freedom, to democracy and to human rights."
No wonder Obamakles and his LePewian sycophants so desperately want the Mullahs to have an untrammeled hand: the Iranian street is full of Neokkkons ready for the klobbering.
Friday, June 19, 2009
The pinkonian beauty of it all!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Khamenei crosses the Rubicon tomorrow
Karl Rove, you evil genius...
The voice of reason weighs in
The quotable George W Bush
You don't say, but do the Dems believe it?
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
conveniently offended
"Saturday Night Live" has also parodied the Palin family in questionable ways. In a skit last September, a mock reporter joked about incest in the vice presidential candidate's family, saying, "I mean, come on. It's Alaska!"
Palin not only didn't protest, she appeared as a guest on the program a few weeks later.
It's conceivable that Palin was aware of the late-night jokes made about her daughter during the campaign and wanted to fight back, but kept quiet as a strategic matter, says Tim Graham, the director of media analysis for the Media Research Center, a conservative media watchdog organization.
A more cynical view may be that Palin had more than enough media attention last fall, and that her Letterman broadside was designed to renew attention when the spotlight is dimming. Palin may even have been aware of a Gallup poll released last week showing that she attracted less than 1 percent of Republicans who were asked to name the "main person who speaks for the Republican Party today."
Monday, June 15, 2009
The Stoning of Soraya M.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
SleepWalking to Tyranny

"Huxley said the modern dictatorship would gain power "by bypassing the ...rational side of man and appealing to his subconscious and his deeper emotions and his physiology even, and so making him actually love his slavery. This is the danger: That actually people may be... happy under the new regime, but... they will be happy in situations where they oughtn't to be happy."
Iran Stops Pretending.

This is pathetic: "was just reading the news about Int'l reactions,WHY R U CONGRATULATING US?! WE R NOT HAPPY!DO U UNDERSTAND?!WE DIDN'T VOTE FOR HIM!
about 14 hours ago from web" Reminds me of those poor kids at Tiananmen. They had no idea that folks like Kissinger and Baker would be given the right to shape the memory of that day. Today, it will be Obamakles and his court jesters of the MSM.
No doubt the good doctors of Qom will proclaim that Democracy is like a Homeopathic "remedy". The closer it is too vanishing, the more effective its' invocation.
Obamakles will blah blah a little. It is what he does. But he has no quarrel with the quommunists.
Moussavi does the Aung
Allahu Akhbar
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Ululating at the Death of the Age of Reason

It begins with a distinctively Islamic sense of pride in getting the story assbackwards, and ends with orgasms at the Triumph of Islam Militant
"And it was Khomeini [qss] who finally led the snake of knowledge out of its black hole--and it thereafter slithered all over the world.
This was the Man from Qum, who after a millennium of modern paganism, single-handedly gave the world its agenda and forced it back to God and to religion and the world took after him in involuntary awe of the unstoppable reverberations of his epoch-making Islamic Revolution"
On the one side we have the Radiant moronic shit of Pepelandia. On the other side we have the Radiant moronic shit of Imamlandia. Their common ground is an unreasoning glee at being liberated from Reason, and allowed license to revel without shame in the dung they make of the world. Ad Gloriam Progressivus Ordem e Retrogressivus Dei.
Islam Militant's Sword Apostate's Dis
Chicago Thought of This

Heck, nothing Obamakles and his Acorns haven't done.
This is, objectively, bad news. But our own Imperator is so quickly piling up the shit in this country that the local stench makes the foreign ones seem like mere variation on the theme.
Yes He Can
Friday, June 12, 2009
Ah, Chicago! The aroma...
During the summer of 1995, a 16 year old girl alleged that Johnson had fondled her. Johnson apologized to the girl when confronted by her with that accusation during a phone conversation recorded by Phoenix police though he also stated that "what you're saying happened, I'm not entirely agreeing happened."[21] The Sacramento Bee stated that they had received a copy of a proposed settlement agreement, under which Johnson would have paid the girl's family $230,000.[22] After conducting an investigation, the Maricopa County Attorney's Office declined to prosecute, on the grounds that there was not a reasonable likelihood of conviction.[23]
More stench.