Sunday, December 20, 2009

Fifth column alive and well

BTW, AA. I got something put in my mailbox by accident here at UW's guesthouse. Some ph.d. student or postdoc originally from UC got a `gift to thoughtful minds' from his alma mater. It consisted of an oh-so-PC Christmas card with a recipe for something in it. I think they want money.

Should I send it along to you?


Arelcao Akleos said...

I received one also. It took so well to the application of Fire.

In the 1980's, still, there was enough old fashioned greatness at Chicago to make it well worth the going. Even as a bitter outsider slogging hash in the evenings.
If I was a young 'un now? Fuck that collection of PC scheissmongers; give me St. John's College or give me Montana State.

Mr roT said...

Montana State was an inspiring place, when you had the good graces to show me around.

Of course Tecs and his ilk think Montaho, Idatana, Minsk, Pinsk, and that's why we're where we are today, with a Colonoscopist from Columugabebia in charge of the coffers of state and medicine's practices... Brightest and best to get in with the quota...

I am sure O's enjoying his sour cream pound cake, keeping warm this winter, and sending a tidy contribution to UC as a thank-you for the leg-up.

Of course the leg-up is over the Constitution and there are plenty of reciprocal winks.

Tecumseh said...

Riiight. IT'S ALL TECS' FAULT!!!!